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Posts posted by johnmarshall4

  1. 5 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    No devs here - contact support.

    Forums > Product Feedback/Feature Requests > General Feature Requests 

    To Evernote anyone who actually works at Evernote: 

    Please add a TOC feature to individual notes to link to headings. This is currently one of my top 3 feature requests.


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  2. Just setting it up visually looks like what I want, but they are not 'grouped together' The checkboxes won't move with the task if you drag and drop it in the note or from the tasks view. You can easily get them separated. I just want them to behave like a check box with indented sub-checkboxes or a checkbox with indented bullets underneath - these move as a unit when you drag and drop. Very cool. 

  3. Tasks simply are not useful the way they are. All the mechanics at the side bar level are cool - drag and drop between notes etc. But some related context is necessary. As a starting point I suggest just following how Checkboxes already work. I can create some bullet items under a checkbox and they are 'attached' to the checkbox. These bullets can be text or links to notes etc. I can Drag the checkbox around / re-order a list of them etc. and the bullets move with them. That's really all that I need to start using tasks. Just start simple please - you can expand / get fancy later. 


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