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Everything posted by Walrii

  1. +1 A linux version Preferrably tested on gnome, ubuntu. I'm a premium user (2nd year) and I use Evernote a lot for both my job and personal stuff. My work requires that I be in linux all day. I've tried wine, a windows vm, and the web ui. The vm approach is painful--not because it's windows, but because it is so dis-integrated with my work environment. So I live with wine and occasionally the web ui. It's slow, no drag and drop, text only cut/paste, it doesn't display things right (sometimes not at all) and sometimes editing causes major formatting changes on the other platforms. But its the best I have. I can't count the number of times I've reinstalled wine and Evernote--it seems to go dysfunctional quite often and my experience is that a reinstall is the best fix. Please BTW, Evernote is great. I love it.
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