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  1. No problems on iPad Pro but the iPhone app is unusable for me, painfully slow to open and writing notes can be done but is very laggy.
  2. With the latest update 10.23.1 Evernote have added yellow text and an icon the text reads "See all plans" it's at the top of the sidebar. I feel this isn't useful and if I want to see my upgrade options I can look in settings or my account, I don't need it permanently in my sidebar.
  3. In Evernote v10.11 sometimes the edit button at the bottom of a note disappears, I have to close and restart the app to get the edit button to reappear (please see screenshots) iPad Pro iPadOS 14.6
  4. When I try to move a shortcut by grabbing the move icon on the right I can only move the shortcut within the visible list, I can't move a shortcut outside the visible list, it just bugs out. Same on iPad and iPhone using latest evernote version 10.5.1
  5. Would like to clarify: After you have downloaded all notebooks for offline use then make a change, notebooks get stuck downloading, a workaround is to toggle the slider next to the notebook to off....... wait.......then toggle to on and the download completes in the background. Is that right?
  6. Yes that works for me as well, thanks. Bit painful to do on notebooks with more than a few notes as it takes a really long time to finish.
  7. Same here when I add or change a note, the green status bar never changes to fully downloaded status. A notebook of mine that's stuck like this only has 2 notes in it & each note has one line of text, so it doesn't seem to have anything to do with file size, as I would expect. Strange as release notes for 10.1 say it's been fixed:
  8. OK thanks, I often feel the reason why I stay with evernote is as a user since 2010 I have so much invested in it that to use anything else is a daunting task.
  9. In the previous version there was an option in settings to "Sync on Wi-Fi only", I can't see this option anymore with the new version. If it has been removed, It would be nice to have it back. Thanks.
  10. I have a few notes with videos attached in .mp4 and .mov format. The videos play but there is no sound on iOS and ipadOS. Videos play ok with sound in the mac app. Does anyone else experience this? iOS: 13.5.1 Evernote: 8.24.5
  11. I submitted a support ticket about this over 6 months ago and received a reply: But still no fix
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