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htc fan

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Everything posted by htc fan

  1. There are a lot of SMS programs out there free and paid that allow the user to send and receive texts on a computer or tablet. The problem with most of them are the lack of interface abilities. Things like finding or taking a picture, sending attachments, notifications and saving data files, attachments etc. It would seem Evernote would be an ideal program to use as the base for an add-on SMS program. All of the information on my Evernote program is on my phones and computers, but is not accessible as a source for texts. (as far as I know). I'm not certain but it seems the actual code to send a text via an existing carriers account is not that hard to do. Harder than I can, but not hard. Has anyone out there figured out how to interface a sms program internally as an add-on function to Evernote? Thx
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