Thank you for the ideas. I was curious if there was some easy way to do this that I didn't know about in the current version. Clearly, there is not. I understand the intent is to add that functionality to the new app.
That said, I've decided to move on from Evernote. My premium renewal is coming up in June and absent some major change (in management or how it thinks), I can't see staying with Evernote. I've wondered about long term viability for awhile but decided to give this management a chance and stayed. I would prefer to stay because Evernote meets my overall needs well. I use it mostly as a document archive, but also use it for more typical notes. I've decided to move my more typical notes to OneNote (already have Office subscription) and my PDF archive to Google Drive. That is not the greatest long term solution but I don't trust Evernote not to abruptly destroy functionality again. I am even considering getting a Mac notebook (I have a Windows desktop) and using DevonThink (although I don't like the lack of cloud option so I can't access from my desktop computer).