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About TwoPieceOB166

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  1. I'm currently evaluating alternatives to Evernote. I'm close to settling on OneNote between it and Obsidian. May I ask what issues you ran into with them? I'd like to learn from your experience before I get too far down the path on one or the other. Thanks!
  2. I follow GTD with Evernote. The people at Tonic had a great tutorial years ago and called it the secret weapon (for Getting Things Done). Anyways... sorting by tags is crucial. It's how I can sort all of my notes @Work and 1-Now as when it's due. Then the 2-Next tagged tasks would follow, with 3-Soon, you get the idea. I need sorting by tags. I pay for Evernote and I feel like a feature I was paying for has been removed without warning. I need to know when this feature will be restored, or if it's not in your product roadmap to restore it so I can evaluate other note/task software.
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