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  1. @PinkElephant There's two ways to display text as code in EN—one is with an inline code snippet which is created by surrounding text in backticks, e.g. `The != symbol will now become ≠ in this code snippet` and (2) code blocks, which you can shortcut with three backticks ``` (your bottom screenshot). In code blocks, the mentioned symbols don't become glyphs, but in code snippets they do. Maybe other people use this feature for something other than code, but that's what I've always assumed they are for.
  2. Enthusiastically agree with this. There is no "≠" operator in any programming language I'm aware of, and the same goes for other inequality operators that code snippets automatically change. Now it's impossible to write the != operator, <= operator, >= operator etc. without having them changed to something that is not valid. This change should really be reversed.
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