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Everything posted by RicD

  1. Please allow me a correction where you stated "...Exactly, I used to follow Phil anxiously to check out what new partnerships..." Truly it should read "...used to eagerly follow Phil..." Why eager, return to your Latin class, anxious is a negative as in fear and dread, something scary for the person, coming from the Latin word Angere meaning "to choke and strangle." Thus the correct word would be eager, a positive looking forward to something, whereas anxious is a negative as in dread, fear, trepidation, and the like. True, many folks use anxious not eager, my thinking is it is what they hear other people's incorrect use of anxious. Most of all folks rarely if ever use a dictionary for word meanings and etymology. It is my hope the aforementioned explanation helps you and others as well.
  2. Truly, having recent files appear on the screen is a privacy issue. Evernote must provide a way for removing those entries. We can delete shortcuts why not Recents? For this reason I have now moved to OneNote and though I prefer Evernote their refusal for providing us the ability for removing recents I refuse using Evernote. It is a security and privacy issue.
  3. From my Samsung Note 20 screen capture does work. Hold down the on/off and the column down button, screen shot every time. System data: One UI: 3.1 Android version: 11 Google Play system update: May 2, 2021 Sometimes on some financial sites I cannot capture a screen shot, with Evernote screen shots work as expected.
  4. Almost from the beginning of Evernote I have been a user and paid user as well. All those years I have been an extremely strong proponent for Evernote, helped many others setup Evernote, working with Evernote, and the like. Evernote's change with their backup is too much; backup 50 notes at a time only, someone is not right-bright. My subscription renews Jan 18, today auto renew is turned off. Another option is create folders in Google Drive or OneDrive similar to my Evernote setup. There I will be putting new documents, scans, and the like. At present my Evernote contains a gazillion docs and scans; yes I am a digital hoarder. Entering new docs, files, and scans, in folders on Google Drive or OneDrive is perfectly okay. Both Google Drive and OneDrive have excellent searching capabilities, and as for OCR look at this: OCR support on scanned documents is now available on the OneDrive mobile apps. Learn more here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-onedrive-blog/onedrive-roadmap-roundup-september-2019/ba-p/883866 Giving all this a good thought, the big advantage of having files removed from any note app is easier document sharing, manipulation, processing, backups, and the like. Completely agree, yes a note app absolutely does have benefits. Evernote and OneNote are much the same in different clothes, both excellent products, cost is the major differentiator. Regarding features OneNote does have more useful features as well. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-onedrive-blog/onedrive-roadmap-roundup-september-2019/ba-p/883866
  5. Using the new web and mobile interface as we choose a note the selected note (second column) is much too light gray. As we scroll through our list of notes it is difficult returning to the note in that list we are working on. In not the best lighting it is difficult. Okay, yes the note is open we are working on it can click on it, however clicking on it does not bring the center list to that note. Okay, you now want to open the note above or below it, the light gray center column makes it very difficult finding the note we are working on. In the middle column the chosen note should visually standout. Clicking on the note we are working on the middle list of notes should return to our working note. Give this a go, click on a note as though you are working on it, now in the middle column scroll through the list of notes, okay now attempt bringing the middle list back to the open note. In a word, frustrating. On the Web interface, when we often need to delete or move a note. The process is we must move the mouse to the upper right corner, click, choose our action. Imagine you are working on many notes, that process is laborious. Suggestion, look at Gmail interface, notice on each email in the list as we move our mouse over it four icons appear, moving the mouse a few millimeters we can as needed choose the appropriate icon not all the way across the screen accomplishing a task. With the above suggestions the UI of Evernote Web would be much easier and less frustrating.
  6. Hi CalS, Yes, I agree with you, the file can be opened, but not editable. It is more a PDF, image, and the like. Clicking on an Excel file I can see at the top the sheets, clicking on them displays the sheets, again not editable. In Evernote opening Apple Numbers the right side displays the individual tabs clicking on them displays the sheet, again not editable. Thus, I have leave my office type documents on the Cloud, as in Google Drive, iCloud, OneDrive, but not in Evernote. Thank you for your input.
  7. Hello Hervé M., Loose means something not tight. Loose for lose is a too common misspelling. Think lose, loss, lost, losing, all contain one o letter. Hope that helps you
  8. Hello DTLow, It is not a iOS limitation, more a Evernote limitation. My iOS devices are running iOS 13.3.1, using OneNote in iOS click the Excel file choose Open In Excel. Excel must be installed on the iOS device. That Excel file can be edited as one would on a computer.
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