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Artist Soul

Level 1
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  1. I have a free Evernote account. I forgot my password and so I signed in using a different email address - and that created a NEW account with NO information in it. I can find my old information on the web account, but they insist I must PAY for a subscription to use it. I want to go BACK to my original account, but I can't FIND it on my computer - it automatically opens up the NEW account which is blank. Please help me figure this out. I depend on Evernote every day and can't afford a subscription.
  2. When I try to log in I get an error page telling me to refresh - which I do but that does not help. I have to exit my browser and open it up again every single time - and then I can log in - which is a royal pain. I'm on Safari. Is there a problem with Evernote on Safari? Any other suggestions?
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