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Benny De Witte

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Everything posted by Benny De Witte

  1. Yes I do. On each new reminder I put the year, month and date (e.g. 2021-09-28) at the front of the title. Then put settings "sort by title". Works for me... 👍
  2. Thanks for the advice, I'll try it on my pc. Btw, most of the time I'm using reminders on Evernote on my Samsung and it works by showing in on the dates that I've put in front of the subject.
  3. I think I found "a way around" this issue. Put the year-month-day (e.g. 2021-03-05) that you want to see it appear in the future, in the front of the subject of each of your reminders. Then they will be arranged according to date. Works fine for me 😉👍.
  4. I found a solution. I put the date in front of the subject of my Evernote tasks like this: 2021-03-02. That seems to "automatically arrange" each of them to appear zs I want it.
  5. I have the same issue... the lack of sorting by due date in the newest Evernote free version is a real setback for me...
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