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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. No idea, but it's smart to use smaller batches Why not try 10, then 50, then 100, then .... <kaboom>: I always push it too far It's also a good idea to space it out and let syncing complete between batches
  2. The import folder feature is automatic in Windows On Macs, we get to install a folder and apply folder actions attached to an Applescript Lets leave the import folder for another day. Just drag the photo's to your Evernote app icon (dock) edit: You can also drag the notes into a notebook
  3. I added my vote This is not just a mobile issue. The request is to flag notes so they automatically appear at the top of any list regardless of sort sequence
  4. Which platform? I'm on a Mac and would use an import folder as per @CalS. I can also drag the photos onto my Evernote app icon
  5. I don't know when Evernote will get this fixed. In the meantime, I'd switch editors. I like using the Notability app. For more serious art, Procreate The files are saved in Evernote in native format; I also save a pdf/image copy for display
  6. These are useful word processing features; not sure about "essential Evernote" My solution is to use a word processing editor (Word/Pages). I add the document as a note attachment. Evernote works well with office/iwork documents >>Many of us have deeply complex notes that don't split well for various reasons (I've used Evernote for 10+ years, I know the options and paradigms- just understand single long notes work better for some of us!) I avoid deeply complex, long notes (oxymoron?). I don't think they work well with the Evernote editor and format
  7. Notability is also my prefered editor app when working on my iPad. I save the document in Evernote. I'm a fan of using external editors instead of being restricted to the Evernote editor
  8. Just to be clear, @Pivo is asking to organize notes, using nested Stacks Evernote organizes notes in Notebooks. Notebooks can be organized in Stacks For additional levels of organization, Evernote has a Tag feature.
  9. There is a General Forum at https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/53-evernote-general-discussions/ for discussions and feature requests. I try to use it for cross-platform posts.
  10. Just curious. Can you briefly share details on the requirements for journaling. I file a daily journal in Evernote, but I'm guessing there's more to it.. edited: keeping on topic, I should have mentioned my daily journal is password protected
  11. It's called discussion, and correcting inaccurate information The request has been posted, and users can indicate their support using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. You are not required to participate in the discussion
  12. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you. It does seem strange that you're using a service you don't trust There has to be an element of trust. I trust Evernote with my data (but I encrypt my sensitive data)
  13. I think you've gone off topic. You started with an encryption key "unknown to Evernote" and now you're suggesting giving the public key to Evernote
  14. Just Notebook level; not the entire database? I'm currently paying Evernote to OCR and index my data for searching. I see a problem if the data is encrypted and Evernote doesn't know the key. This is why I only encrypt selective sensitive data
  15. Evernote data on the server is encrypted-at-rest I also use the firevault feature on my Mac; my disk is encrypted
  16. Yes, Evernote uses the Google Servers facilities. Would you prefer a different storage service? Evernote used to maintain their own data servers, but it wasn't cost effective I don't know why this is a concern; fwiw there is encryption-at-rest
  17. Please explain. I select the text, right click, and select Encrypt >>2. The native encryption from office or pdf documents is not secure. This is the first I've heard of this. Please explain From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Office_password_protection Microsoft Office password protection is a security feature to protect Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) documents with a user-provided password. As of Office 2007, this uses strong encryption; earlier versions used weaker systems and are not considered secure. The 128-bit key AES protection employed in newer Office 2007–2010 remains secure.
  18. Evernote has a text encryption feature I also use the native encryption of attachments; pdfs, office/iwork documents >>Since there is no password protection, ... My computer has password protection. My Evernote account has password protection
  19. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005067-How-to-use-Evernote-Helper-for-quick-notes-and-screenshots
  20. You're posting in a user discussion forum. You can contact Evernote support at All accounts Twitter @evernotehelps Paid accounts Contact Evernote Support
  21. Code block works for me. I type three backticks and the code block area appears for typing
  22. I'm not sure how I accomplished this, but my guess is using the Font Book app *found it* see Evernote: Add Fonts on the Mac from @GrumpyMonkey
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