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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I use the the table feature to add background colour to my notes. It could be a single column/row
  2. This was my understanding, and under GDPR regs I can't see Evernote being used as a business tool for storing personal third party data. Even without GDPR, I have concerns about storing business data in the cloud. Note: the US currently has HIPPA regs which also address unencrypted data; and there's also the issue of storing data in the US given the political climate I'm ok with encrypting my personal sensitive data but mass encryption is not practical >>I am paying for the service. Many people do. I'm paying for a Premium account. I like the feature enhancements, including upload limits
  3. Where in the UI would you see comments posted/displayed Currently, I only see Note Contents and Attachments (inline or link) The underlying base format (html) does provide for comments (<!-- comment -->); Evernote could enable comments anywhere in the Note Contents
  4. Thanks, that explains it I'd forgotten about it because I never use Actual Size. It's always a disaster for me (too small) with multi-page pdfs
  5. To indicate your support for this request, please use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion We're up to 11 votes
  6. I don't know what the error is, but your original notes are in the Trash and can be restored. Delete the bad note and expunge it from the Trashi The Activity Log might provide more information on the error
  7. I'm confused about these two pdf options. Where do you see them? I see two options; view inline or view as attachment There is a setting in Preferences for pdfs imported via the web clipper
  8. One nice feature of shared notebooks is uploads are charged to the allowance of the notebook owner (your premium account); you're sharing your upload limit with the family
  9. I don't believe this is a "cannot be implemented request". I'd prefer to hear "this request has been implemented". You can influence development priorities at Evernote by using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. This request has 36 votes
  10. There is no charge for the software >>when we want an error corrected This particular request is for a change to one of the features You can influence development priorities using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. This request has 16 votes
  11. We got it; you're disappointed Evernote is paying for these forums to obtain user feedback. This is one of the factors that influence Evernote's development. The actual quote is One thing to remember: popularity does not mean implementation. Our forums are one component of the decisions we make, and while a bunch of ideas have merit, we need to be selective and always balancing priorities. To indicate your support for this request use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion
  12. Please consider Indicating your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the posted feature request (linked below)
  13. Evernote has given no indication they're interested in implementing an archive function. You could look into the solutions presented in this discussion. I use an archive tag to exclude archived notes from searches
  14. I don't know about core, but it's an enhanced feature for paid accounts. I'm just not impresssed with the pdf annotation feature
  15. You can open a support ticket at Contact Evernote Support There's also a chat option
  16. I see a lot of requests like this, Evernote should have .... I know that the Evernote editor provides basic features and even less as a PDF editor but I'm not expecting much from free software that comes with my digital filing cabinet PDF editing isn't even Evernote's primary business I know I'll always get extended features from dedicated editor apps; word processing, spreadsheet, and PDF editors
  17. It was arrogant to advise people to ignore the request. The purpose of this forum is to post requests and record user votes (voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion) I'm not sure right/wrong way applies to assiging multiple labels to a note In the current environment Evernote only allows two choices: Notebook or Tags - a single entry for Notebooks - multiple entry for Tags >>I SHOULD have done was tagged every single note I had with the notebook name, then placed them all into a single notebook That satisfiles the request (multiple entries) and also bumps the limit from 250 to 100,000 entries I like the approach because it frees up the Notebook field for the Local/Sync, Shared, Offline feature
  18. I've seen no evidence of this >>they are simply lazy rent seekers The software is provided at no cost, and the majority of accounts don't pay for the service. They are doing all this work, and there's no "rent". >>haven't really understood the importance of security to those of us who hold sensitive data? Security is important to me. I make sure my sensitive data is encrypted As you mentioned, Saferoom is a third part product to encrypt data at the note level. I make use of Evernote's text encryption feature, and native encryption for attachments >>I use Evernote professionally, but come May and GPDR, like everyone else in Europe, I wont be able to risk the leakage of personal information into Evernote. I don't know many details of GPDR. Are you aware of any non-compliance by Evernote? There's a discussion in the note linked below.
  19. Your version is 8.8 360581 is the build number. The # is generated when the app is compiled. I'm running the latest version of the software; 8.8.1 (360588)
  20. I see it as a question of priorities. Is this the most important feature request for developers to be working on? You're welcome to indicate your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner
  21. For sure, Evernote does not have an "alias note" feature Its an interesting concept. You should post a feature request >>EV's useless Tags feature You're misusing the "Notebook" feature. The Tag feature has been set up for multiple assignments to a note
  22. Maybe unshared it. The solution I proposed was simply a browser url
  23. Note there are two version of url Public Link Private Link
  24. One of Evernote's best feature is creating a shareable public link (url) that can be used by anyone with a browser The screenshot is from right-clicking on my Mac and results in a link like https://www.evernote.com/l/AApWBfNWIBdBmIHufJfFgjStRQMkiJDnf1k
  25. Save to Evernote is working well in my installation My troubleshooting steps would be Reboot your computer, it solves many issues Delete and Reinstall the app More drastic recovery steps To contact support All Accounts Twitter @evernotehelps Paid Accounts Contact Evernote Support
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