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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I have script to identify the folder where the note is stored Background: On Macs, there's a separate folder for each note; sample displayed in the image to the fight. File content.enml contains the code for the note contents Within Evernote, I use top list view As per the screenshot below, I'm showing columns for Title, Notebook, Tags, Date When I'm navigating through the results of a search, it's very easy to identify these attributes
  2. Users might be interested in the new Spaces feature. It allows "pinning" of notes
  3. If that's working for you, it's all good. I find for many extended wp features, I have to switch to a word processing editor (Word/Pages). I add the document as an attachment to a note. Evernote works well with office/iwork documents,
  4. Three levels? I'm only seeing Stacks > Notebooks >>Evernote could even give users a choice of the number of notebook levels they want in the settings. I'd go with the above request; nested notebooks/subnotebooks; i.e. an infinite hierarchy
  5. From my experience, I accept both as Evernote's position. Would you be happier if Evernote actually responded as such? Maybe a canned message with every request posted. >>A lack of response is pretty clear indication EVERNOTE is not a good long term solution for serious users. I'm a serious user, and Evernote is my long term solution as a digital filing cabinet for all my documents, notes, web clippings, ... The Evernote editor was never my solution as a word processing replacement. It is useful for basic notes.
  6. How about generating a public url and accessing the note in a browser. You could try coping from there.
  7. That's good news As a saftey messure, I'd advise using the web version to copy the content to a new note See if the new note syncs to your devices.
  8. You might want to hunt for the keyboard shortcut for bottom of the note; I think it's control-end in Windows My preference is to avoid long notes. For my daily journal entries, I create a separate note each day.
  9. It might help if you identify the device/platform you were using
  10. There would be no impact to your account or contents (cloud based) On your Mac, make sure you do a complete downgrade; app, database, .... The app AppCleaner is recommended for this.
  11. You're welcome to indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. You didn't mention your use case for this feature. Database size? My database is currently around 15GB; not an issue with my total available storage. I see benefits in having a local copy of my data. I have full databases on my Mac and iPad
  12. This isn't the first request for a pinning feature. Evernote supports "pinning" in the shortcut and reminder lists but no such feature in the note list There are work-around suggestions My solution is to adjust the note title and dates so the note automatically sorts to the position ================ A comment on the note list. The display may be "All Notes", or a specific notebook, or search. Would an "important note" apply to all contexts? You might make use of the shortcuts section for pinning important notes. You could even use tag:Important-Notes and use a shortcut to the tag >>I might repeat with other similar requests, but that's better. I'm not clear how duplicated requests are better. Also, you posted your request in the Windows forum. This would seem to be a platform wide request
  13. To contact Evernote Support All Accounts Twitter @evernotehelps Paid Accounts Contact Evernote Support
  14. Confirmed, tag hierarchies are not represented in IOS, and also don't appear in all menus on Win/Mac. I suspect it will be the same if a notebook hierarchy is implemented. Still, I find the tag hierarchy page (Mac) useful for organization my tags.
  15. Please note, Evernote is a cloud service. I would advise you to use a different product if you don't have frequent access to the internet for syncing with the server >>By the way, does sync work between 2 computers or only computer and phone??) No, the sync process is Device <> Server <> Device The Server is the hub >>I tried copying my notebook to Evernote on my desktop. I found a way to move the database over Its do-able but these are functions should be handled by the sync process
  16. Thanks for contributing to the discussion This "find something" is the same issue faced by all users, not just teams Up to now (pre-Spaces), my only sharing tool was Notebooks, and usually just a single Notebook I've been instructing my teams to use tags and searches. With the shared notebook, I provided a master document describing the specific tags and searches to be used As mentioned by others; If I'm going to organize by notebook, the 250 limit won't work. The tag limit (100,000) looks good Also, as per tags; the relationship is parent/child. We don't need names for each level Also as per tags: remove the restrictions in searches. We need to include multiple notebook entries, and negation Also, allow multiple notebooks per
  17. Evernote is an excellent tool for storage and retrieval; it's my digital filing cabinet >>It is useless for organizing or project management as it is. My need for "organizing and project management" is addressed by "excellent tool for storage and retrieval" Can you explain your need further. >>You would go bonkers without organizing the whole web into tiered folders like a folder tree on a Windows PC folder directory. Still sane after all these years. I haven't felt the need for "organizing the whole web into tiered folders like a folder tree". Google's search tool is excellent for retrieval;
  18. I'm actually seeing Spaces as an aternative to Stacks. We still have two levels for notebooks The Stacks objective is to organize notebooks into distinct groups The Spaces objective was related to sharing and collaboration >>adding kludges instead of just biting the bullet and doing what they should have done in the first place. The Stacks feature was added to organize Notebooks into collections; And yes, the implementation was a kludge - the underlying code is messy I don't think Evernote has ever acknowledged there is a need for notebook hierarchy
  19. I understand the need for organizationhierarchy; I actually was looking for details on the serviceable part
  20. Can you provide more details? One issue I found with a tag work-around is that the hierarchy is not displayed on our mobile devices. We've gone from a two level stack/notebook hierarchy, to no hierarchy
  21. To indicate your support for this request, use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. Evernote does not have a folders element. If you can accept a different name, Evernote has Notebooks and Tags. A new element Spaces is currently being rolled out. No Nested Notebooks, however notebooks can be collected in a Stack. So, a 2 level hierarchy. The Tag elementary has infinite hierarchy (Mac/Win). I use this feature for tag organization
  22. Did you try clicking on the expand triangle to the left of the Shortcut Icon Here, use this
  23. Can you post a screenshot of your Evernote screen The screenshot is from my Mac with a collapsed sidebar It seems your issue is with displaying the shortcut list
  24. How about the actual shortcut. There are three types: Tag, Notebook, Search Are all three types failing?
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