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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. We are actually seeing results of the Common Editor project; the UI's of each environment are becoming similar.
  2. I'm not a windows user but I understand you have the option to relocate the database. Possibly use this to direct both accounts to the same location.
  3. Evernote has no specific Archive features. Do you have a reason for archiving? I usually just prefix the name with x or Ω so it sorts to the bottom of the list. I also use a tag:Archive on notes so I can chose to exclude them from searches.
  4. Evernote is a generic filing cabinet, and can store files of any format. You could store your JSON or csv file. I suspect you wish to create separate notes in Evernote to match each Google task. Are there other export formats; html will work on my Mac We just completed a discussion on using a Mac to import from a .csv file
  5. Evernote supports an account password on all platforms, including Windows and Mac. There is no pincode/passcode feature on the Windows/Mac platforms; it's more of a mobile thing. I use touchid on my iPad (fingerprint). >>You are probably better off NOT asking about this in this forum, instead, ask Evernote directly if you are a premium customer. This forum is a good place to post on technical issues. If you have a feature request, post in the feature request forum (sample below), or review existing posts and indicate your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  6. Darn, I can't read the "largest smallest" explanation anymore. Here's an alternate post
  7. Exporting an entire notebook to pdf seems to be a niche requirement. You might get suggestions if you indicate your device/platform, and what you need a solution for.
  8. That's my feeling too. Evernote is my one storage place. Also, I don't want to be constrained by any packaged workflow. So I review these alternate services and implement the best points into my personal workflow. On the Mac platform, I implement automation with scripting. It works, even if not as pretty as the dedicated apps. For the users of FacileThings and Zendone; are there any specific features delivered by the apps that you think are important. The workflow diagram from Zendone gives a good overview of the GTD workflow. For myself, I implemented many addition details in the Reference/Archive section..
  9. Why is that? I use Evernote to store files of many formats (HTML, PDF, RTF, Word/Pages, JPG, Excel/Numbers, Audio, Video ...). Basically any format. The note format (enml/html) works for me; it's ubiquitous.
  10. This implementing of levels seems like a bandaid solution. - Note: Evernote already implemented one level (Stacks). Before long, users request another level; how long before requesting another level; then another level; then another ... The implementation should be a parent/child hierarchy. - Note: Evernote already implemented this for the Tags feature (Win/Mac/Web)
  11. From a money perspective, I'd say few non business users are willing to pay for the product and fund the development of features. >>core note taking functionality There are various posts identifying Evernote's "core functionality" I use Evernote as a digital filing cabinet. The Evernote editor is ok for basic notes. For extended features I use dedicated editors; Word/Pages for word processing, Excel/Numbers for spreadsheets ... I store the documents as attachments to notes; Evernote works well with attachments; pdf, images, office/iwork documents, ...
  12. I also wish upgrades were bug free, and have my desired features; but it is what it is. I'm cautious about upgrades, and pick and chose what software versions to run on my devices. If wishes were horses, all men would ride.
  13. Not upgrading, or even downgrading works for me. Yes, there are bugs, and the bugs and features differ in importance for users. And sometimes you have to take the bad with the good. I downgraded from the latest version (beta) and am waiting for an Applescript bug to be fixed. I'm confident the developers will resolve this issue in future releases.
  14. Nice to see a positive post. I also appreciate the work of the Development team. The apps are getting better over time as features are developed and bugs are fixed
  15. You might be interested in this other feature request discussion, and the implementation of Find&Replace using scripting. https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/52260-mac-find-and-replace/?do=findComment&comment=497788
  16. I added my vote. It's not a high priority for me, but why not. >>Well , that is what tables usually used for , isn't it . I see tables as a word processing thing; a way to line up information in rows and columns with a border grid. btw My word processing app (Pages) has basic calculation with tables
  17. Note: there is a note link feature The screenshots are from my Mac
  18. Further on the subject of editing the content.enml file From another discussion this is a solution to changing the highlight colour
  19. The file is content.enml I haven't taken it further than that. You could add to the script, launching the text editor, even doing the find/replace within the script. Also note (pun), after verifying your update, make a dummy change (like adding a space) This is required so the note gets uploaded to the server where the master data version is stored.
  20. A completely different location, but I think thats caused by the App Store version vs the Direct Download. You're missing a / at the end of set databasefolder ZENNote is the table name in the database
  21. Hold down the option key while selecting the Help menu
  22. We're still using separate shared notebooks. I see benefits in the Spaces feature and am looking forward to using it when the implementation has progressed. Right now it's too early to jump in.
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