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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Please indicate your support using the voting buttons in the upper left cornrer of the discussion. Specific to your requirement, you could set a reminder date on your ongoing notes. This drops the OR from your query. Just curious about the year-10
  2. I'm not a Windows user but I know you can use your choice of versions. If you downgrade versions, you should delete the database (.exb file) and it will be rebuilt from the servers. Warning; the rebuild doesn't include local notebooks or unsync'd notes.
  3. Evernote has also provided these forums you're posting in. Feel free to post details of your issue.
  4. Did you indicate your support for this request. Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion. I also think this would be a useful feature, but do you think Evernote should transfer resources for a request that only has 9 user votes. edit: the request is up to 28 votes
  5. My practice is to customize notes if I intend to share via a web url. As noted, there is a width limitation. Also, internal note links need to be replaced with public url links
  6. Could you please explain what you mean by "native annotation". Also, is the with Apple Pencil, or just general pdf annotation in Evernote/IOS.
  7. As you said the win/mac platforms don't support the passcode feature we have on the mobile platforms. I found the best option was to have a timeout on my computer. After a set time of no activity, a password is required for access. This protects the entire computer as well as my Evernote account. I avoid logging out of my Evernote account. I'm not able to log back in without an internet connection.
  8. Have you looked at the Evernote linux clones? - http://nixnote.org
  9. Right, Macs are fantastic for text to speech I set the voice to Scottish Fiona ( it is a Mac) and have the computer recite the poem There Will Come Soft Rains
  10. Note pinning is awailable in the Reminders and Shortcuts section, and in the new Spaces feature >>I have a lot of tasks and I want to put the most important ones on top. There are work-arounds to achieve this Reminders/Shortcut sections Assigning priority with tags and using Tag sort; for example tag:!Important-Tag Assigning priority with title prefix and sorting by Title; for example title:!Important-Note Its a different discussion but you might want to investigate solutions for task management. There are better methods than "put the most important ones on top"
  11. Welcome to the discussion The Basic account continues to be free. The software continues to be free. >>my satisfaction with it keeps going down Is there a reason you're using this version of the software. It seems you'd be happier with the version displaying the notebooks in a grid layout. See the post from this user who downgraded versions https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/112106-downgrading-evernote-to-v6111/?do=findComment&comment=498900 >>Please add me to the list Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion.
  12. Thanks for the recognition. I'm one of the group helping the userbase in these forums. I've had much experience with computers as a programmer/developer and have been using Evernote from the beginning. I started with Windows devices, then switched to Macs. I'm retired so I have more time for helping and answering questions. >>posting the same comments, over and over. and over. and over. It does get repetitive as new users come on board asking the same questions. I can understand if you don't wish to participate.
  13. I'm not interested in boohoo posts; but perhaps we can learn from @Shellah and @Flier about being helpful To indicate your support for this feature request, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. If you're interested in how Evernote can work for you, participate in the discussions.
  14. It's not a requirement, but works well to convince others, and Evernote. >>tag workarounds to the folder problem are anything but that: workarounds. And clumsy ones at that. Not clear on the details for the "folder problem". In Evernote, notes have two attributes, notebooks and tags. If it helps, use either attribute as the folder There are none so blind, as those who will not see.
  15. Welcome to the discussion. Adding a notebook hierarchy requires an overhaul of the database design Evernote seems reluctant to take on this workload. Instead they implemented the Stack feature; which is only a 2 level hierarchy. >>tags ... don't meet the need for sub-notebooks. I'm not seeing proof of this, just that some users need the tags feature be called something different - like folders. I think they would then find the feature more acceptable.
  16. First point, On Evernote/Mac use the notebook page; not the sidebar Right-click on the notebook to access stack functions. Drag and drop also works but is less precise
  17. For a legible-even-without-Evernote copy, I find html export format is much more useful than the .enex format. The note can be viewed by any browser. >>See this discussion thread for how to automate this There is a windows scripting solution. I use an Applescript on my Mac for daily incremental backups There are also third-part products like Backupery.
  18. Good for you. You identified issues and solved them. I wish more users did the same to help themselves. Downgrading is easy on Macs; less so in IOS where Apple has us locked into the current version.
  19. fwiw Evernote is available on the web platform Evernote has been working on a Common Editor platform so that each platform has feature parity. This is being rolled out to users, including the web platform
  20. Can you give an example. I'll check the difference between Web Clipper and Copy/Paste
  21. I moved the discussion to the web forum. The answer is the same; the icon is on the edit toolbar. Note: You have to be editing a note to see this toolbar. The image is from Mac/Safari
  22. If you identify your device/platform you'll get more directed responses Here's a link to a solution for Macs
  23. I use the Evernote Web Clipper (Mac/Win) to store web data on my device. It stores a copy of the complete data including pictures.
  24. The script's bottom line uses an external editor (TextEdit) for features not offered by Evernote's editor.This works for me; it gets the job done. The script could be modified to work on multiple notes instead of just item 1. I like the TextWrangler app; it's scriptable. For example tell application "TextWrangler" to replace "[FIND TEXT]" using "[REPLACE TEXT]" ...
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