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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I have over 300 tags, but I don't consider this to be "pinning "
  2. Switch to the Tag Page - click on the sidebar tag icon or menu View > Tags Right Click on the Tag > Rename
  3. Evernote has a pdf annotation feature that works with Apple Pencil https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005587-How-to-annotate-images-and-PDFs-in-Evernote >>My solution is to import into notability, then export as pdf into Evernote when I’m done. I like the Notability solution. It offers much more editing features than Evernote's basic annotation feature.
  4. Windows has a search-child-tags setting. I'm not a Windows User, but I understand the setting is: Tools > Options > Note and checking "Automatically select child tags." On a Mac, I can achieve this using a script for searches; set theTags to every tag whose parent is equal to parentTag If you had prefixed the sub-tag names, you could use a wildcard; tag:Novel* I prefer the prefix approach. Tagname "David" sittling in the tag list isn't that useful
  5. Instead of your +1 posts, please consider indicating your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion
  6. A better chance if you contact Evernote Support All Accounts Twitter @evernotehelps Paid Accounts Contact Evernote Support
  7. The Invisible Note List is a known issue they're working on. In list view, adjusting a column width renders the list visible.
  8. This is more a user discussion forum You can contact Evermote Support at All Accounts Twitter @evernotehelps Paid Accounts Contact Evernote Support
  9. I'm using the Mac equivalent (FileVault) and I think my IOS devices are secure. This leaves the data on the servers. I do apreciate the encryption-at-rest. It's not a high concern for me - I protect my sensitive data with external encryption.
  10. Agreed, we need a method to identify archived notes Since this isn't an Evernote feature, my solution is to manually apply tag:!Archive This is scriptable on my Mac >>Creates an archive sub notebook that contains the note. I'm not sure the benefit of this; what does it achieve? My intent with archiviving is that notes are hidden from search results As @jefito pointed out, there is no sub notebook facility in Evernote
  11. As per the above post, the Activity Log shows the rebuild activity.
  12. The selective sync feature only controls the data downloaded to the device. Full account content is still accessed via the internet connection. You need to look at a different solution for your access issue. two accounts?
  13. There are feature requests for note encryption, and notebook encryption. You're welcome to search for them and indicate your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion. My vote is for end-to-end encyption of the database I still consider Evernote the best service to store my data. My sensitive data is encrypted external to Evernote. I make use of the native encryption in note attachments; pdfs, office/iwork documents, ...
  14. To indicate your support for this feature request, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. This feature request currently has 6 votes.
  15. The request for Full Boolean Search has my vote, however I have no intention of dropping my filing system (tags) This allows for a more precise retrieval of data; text search is much less precise and produces too many hits for use on a day-to-day basis.
  16. No, Evernote does not have a code syntax feature To obtain this, I switch to a dedicated text editor app. I post a screenshot in Evernote.
  17. For my processing, I use a separate note for each task. This allows for individual attributes; title, reminder, tags, ... I can also list my tasks in different views; by project, due today, completed, outstanding, ... >>If Evernote wants to be an integrated system imho Evernote is a generic filing cabinet. The general features can be used for functions like task management. There are dedicated task management services that integrate with Evernote. You could also look at TaskClone.
  18. I find the Evernote editor fine for basic notes, but I don't feel restricted to a single editor. I use the best editor for the job. Any format documents can be added to the note attachments; PDFs, images, offiche/iwork documents work well. I use Word/Pages for word processing, and Notability/Goodnotes for handwriting on my iPad.
  19. As in apps with extended editing features. I'm not using Evernote because of it's value as an editor. The editor is fine for basic notes, but there are plenty of established dedicated apps that do a better job. I've always been a word/pages user for word processing, excel/numbers for spreadsheets, text editors for coding, ... In Evernote, these documents are stored as one of the note attachments.
  20. Yes, the voting method has flaws, but I wouldn't call it a smokescreen. Do you have a better method? Evernote has publicly stated that user opinion is one of the priority factors, but I know there are many considerations as to the commitment of development resources. These forums are provided by Evernote for user discussion, and there are over 100,000 posts; some with valuable feedback and request information. There are various methods to indicate support for a feature request; for example a lengthy post, a +1 post, or a simple vote. From an analytics viewpoint, the voting system makes the most sense. It cuts to the chaff and directly indicates the user support #s.
  21. Yes, I was seriously answering a question from @Tocco about turning the clock back. I believe in taking action and helping myself if there's an issue that isn't working for me. And yes, I'm not into boohoo posts. If you support this request, please use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. >>To simply downgrade does lock us out of everything and everything EN does from this point on. Including bug fixes, security patches, etc, everything. Simply downgrading is not an option! Downgrading buys time until Evernote fixes an issue. Its a process I use often. @jbenson2's post was a response to my post and is a valid concern. Users will have to evaluate the benefits of each version and decide which works best for them.
  22. I agree with you; I couldn't manage with the current version. My suggestion is to continue with your current set up and see how you feel about the new version. Its currently being used by business accounts https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006027-What-s-new-in-Evernote-Web
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