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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Evernote's working for me for the filing of all my data. The editor is free and ok for basic notes; for anything else I use dedicated editor apps; Word/Pages for word processing, Excel/Numbers for spreadsheets, ... All these files can be included in the note package.
  2. Can you explain the "more intuitive organic function of linking with brackets" I'm clear on the original request; an automated workflow for the note link function. If I had enough use for this, I'd write a script (Mac).
  3. Evernote maintains a Note History data backup. More info at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-access-and-use-note-history Access to the data is a paid feature; you can subscribe for a single month.
  4. Are there tools you can use on the Word side to export your list to separate files. You can then move the files to an Evernote import folder. On my Mac, I can use a script to create notes from a text file.
  5. Evernote has an annotation feature; documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005587-How-to-annotate-images-and-PDFs-in-Evernote I usually make use of external editors, for example Preview on my Mac.
  6. I actually start my document in Word/Pages (or Excel/Numbers) and only use the Evernote editor for basic notes. It's not just line spacing, there are other features not supported by the Evernote editor. For these documents, Evernote only functions as the storage mechanism.
  7. That's not true. I encourage people to submit feature requests, or indicate their support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion. I'm not into the "Boohoo, Evernote's so bad" posts. They are totally useless, and a waste of the forum resources. >>Does anyone really value your contributions here? My latest count is 2,820 points
  8. You have the option to use mostly any word processing editor for features like line spacing. The Evernote editor works well for basic notes; for word processing, Word/Pages are superior editors. edit: Discussion has been merged with ongoing discussion To indicate support fot this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  9. Separate backups for each notebook can be automated via scripting or third party products like Backupery You can also do a full database backup; for example TimeMachine
  10. I hit this once (.enex import issue) and it soured me on enex backups. It was a Mac and approx 5000 notes. Packing all your data into a single file; what could possibly go wrong. I've switched to html export with separate files for each note. To recover local notebooks, I rely on a full database restore from my TimeMachine backups.
  11. I can understand needing more colour choice, and using a different product. I use alternative editors for my annotation work (example, Preview on my Mac). Why would you then pay for a premium account? Why are you still posting in the Evernote User forums? At least share with us what service you're using now.
  12. The Evernote note editor/format is enml (html fork). It's also not a useful format for my programming code files. However we can use any external editor and store the files in a note (attachment). For plain text files, I use editor Textastic (Mac/iPad). Sorry, it doesn't support MD, but I know there's alternative MD editors.
  13. I'm a fan of external editors. I don't know much about GDocs; can they be attached to a note? I've always been a Word/Pages and Excel/Numbers user.
  14. I use an applescript on my Mac to export Evernote notes to a spreadsheet. I can also mass copy note links (titles) and paste into a spreadsheet. >>call sheet has Customer, date, details, product, and charges on it. I'm guessing these are columns in a spreadsheet. How is the data stored in Evernote?
  15. I also use the reminder feature for task due dates; however I use a separate note for each task. My "To Do List" is the list of notes for the specified search criteria and sequence tasks due today tasks by project complete tasks delegated tasks ...
  16. Even worse - note merging is a desktop app feature. You're welcome to add your vote to this request. Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion
  17. This is off topic for the subscription plans and should be addressed as a separate feature request post. I'm interested in details on the requirements and the app/extension. I manage my receipts using the general features; scripting; and export to a spreadsheet.
  18. You could try moving your images to a new note.
  19. We can view the requests sorted by votes
  20. You can "suppose" any negative thoughts; or you can check your subscription page.
  21. To indicate your support for feature requests, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  22. I use the html export feature (Mac/Win) for my backups; each note is exported to a separate .html file; - basically the same format that Evernote uses - can be opened by any web browser app Attachments are exported to a corresponding .resources folder.
  23. The software is free, no users are paying for it. The majority of users subscribe to the Basic account, which is also free. I have over 10,000 notes. It's a 30 minute process to export my data. >>why are you always defending this.... I'm not into "Boohoo, Evernote's so bad" posts. I'm more interested in posts on how to make this product work better for me.
  24. I'm thinking Account Tiers is the topic of this discussion. Some users seem to think the topic is; Boohoo, Evernote's so bad.
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