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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Evernote needs to be convinced this is a worthwhile project: Development work costs money, and takes resources from other projects. Of course your happiness is important, but will this work translate into a financial return for Evernote?
  2. Note; you have to select text before you can apply the service. You seem to be a little lean on the available Services. Just wondering what's enabled in Apple > Preferences
  3. I was wondering about that. I use the Evernote editor for basic notes, but it certainly isn't my main writing tool. We (office) mostly use MS-Word/Apple-Pages, stored in Evernote as a note attachment. I would think serious writers use apps like Scrivner or Ulysses.
  4. You lost me, but that may be a Windows feature I'm not familiar with.
  5. There's documentation at https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2015/01/30/merge-notes-together-evernote/ Basically you select multiple notes and a merge box appears. Here's a screenshot from my Mac
  6. If you need an archiving solution you should review the posts in this discussion. The features in Evernote offer various archive options. I use an Archive tag
  7. Name prefixing also works with Notebooks and Tags. It's not hard to do, and does simulate "nesting" but sometimes the names get overly large. The best benefit is the names sort together in an alphabetic list, so as you posted, you get the effect even if the client app doesn't support hierarchy.
  8. Evernote has not implemented a text sort feature. I use the WordService add-on with my Mac
  9. It's clear that Evernote never implemented a hierarchy for the Notebook element. The only element with a hierarchy is the Tag element (Mac/Win/Web) I don't know about "blacklisting", but these are the basic building blocks of the Evernote database structure. I'm able to work with these elements, regardless of the names. Other users find this impossible; no real reason, they simply don't like xxxxxx. These people should think about using a different product that delivers what they like. With over 200 million users, Evernote is not impacted by this negativity. >>I don't like tags, You don't have to "like" tags; and you don't have to use them. I see the benefits offered by the tag feature, and make use of them. >>...I like stacks, give the customers what they want... Evernote implemented Stacks after customers needed a method to organize Notebooks It looks like this will be replaced with the new Spaces feature.
  10. Exportnote would have been by first suggestion. An alternative service is cloudHQ . It has a pdf conversion option.
  11. Can you post the link you're trying to access. You wrote "From my email message"; are you working from an email app?
  12. There is no charge for the Evernote software, and Google Keep is a free service.
  13. Right; I should have included that. If I can't store the document file in Evernote, I at least include a link.
  14. Not an option on the IOS platform. I have to use the Mac/Win platforms. There's a feature request posted at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/22393-merging-notes-on-the-ipad/
  15. I actually store all my documents (Excel/Word/...) in Evernote. Its easier having one filing location.
  16. Yes the export files are overwritten; same filename. In another script for Note History I prevent overriding by appending the date to the export filename. You'll see the script bypasses the export for empty notebooks (if theNotes is not {})  You can add other criteria like notebookName = ...
  17. No preference http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-zip-and-gzip/
  18. Not clear on the definition of "the first note". Until this is implemented, you might want to look into using templates that include the tags.
  19. tell application "Evernote" set allNotebooks to every notebook repeat with currentNotebook in allNotebooks set notebookName to (the name of currentNotebook) set fileBackupenex to "/Users/david/Desktop/@Evernote/Evernote_Backup/Notebook-" & notebookName & ".enex" set fileBackupenex to POSIX path of fileBackupenex set theNotes to every note in notebook notebookName if theNotes is not {} then try with timeout of (60 * 60) seconds export theNotes to fileBackupenex format ENEX with tags do shell script "/usr/bin/gzip -f " & quoted form of fileBackupenex end timeout on error errorMessage return errorMessage end try end if end repeat end tell
  20. I use encryption to protect my sensitive data. Evernote has a text encryption feature, and I use native encryption of attachments; PDFs, office/iwork documents, ... My scanned passport is stored as an encrypted pdf.
  21. And yet, you're still here, posting in the user's forum. A slow walker?
  22. I'm an Apple user and use the Calendar/Reminders built into the OS. I like the notifications, device sync, and it allows for repeat reminders. I do use the Reminders feature in Evernote; I use a script to sync entries to the OS Calendar/Reminders
  23. Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion Maybe, but if nothing else, it's a mechanism for users to indicate to support for a request.
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