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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Please provide details. Keep in mind Evernote's note format is a simple html base. Here's the code base you are working with: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php If Evernote had a $ for every post that says "it seems very easy" they'd have funds to implement such changes
  2. This is a user discussion forum; no Evernote representatives have posted in this discussion To indicate your support for this request, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. You can also participate in the discussion; such as identifying work-arounds
  3. The important storage is the master version stored on the Evernote servers (www.evernote.com) On your iPhone, make sure you're using your correct userid/password. You could try logging out and back in and/or delete the app and reinstall.
  4. This would be a useful feature; I upvoted. In the meantime, if your tables are getting complex you might want to embed an Excel/Numbers spreadsheet. This will give you column/row freezing and other extended features (totals etc.)
  5. You're posting into a different discussion. The IOS share feature allows sending web pages to Evernote. You can select from existing notebooks/tags; there is no create option. You will have to create the tags in follow up processing.
  6. Evernote has never supported folder management. If folder management is your requirement, you're using the wrong product. It's still tops as a data storage and retrieval tool.
  7. I don't recall a print icon, just the share sheet icon All share functions have been consolidated under the share icon
  8. You've reposted the request and users can indicate their support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion >>Plus, others have access to my computer. Don't give them access to your Evernote account. Log out of Evernote. Actually, log out of your computer. Set the others up with their own userIds.
  9. I'm not sure of the reference; my focus is on using the editor/format that best meets my requirements. I continue to use Evernote for my filing/storage. I'm ok with using the Evernote editor for basic notes. I switch to a word-processing or spreadsheet app for extended features.
  10. Sayings come to mind. Cutting off your nose to spite your face. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater A great feature in Evernote is that I can use any editor I choose. Notes can contain files of any format. If I wanted to use Markdown, I'd select an editor that supports it.
  11. fwiw My sensitive data is stored in Evernote, encrypted. I use the native encryption built-in to attachment files; pdfs and office/iwork documents, ...
  12. There's no pin feature. On Mac/Win platforms we can adjust the updated-date of a note so it will always sort to the top of the list
  13. You're posting in a User discussion forum. You can contact Evernote support at All Accounts Twitter @evernotehelps Paid Accounts Contact Evernote Support In you troubleshooting make sure you're working with your existing account instead of creating a new account. Is your issue with a note, or an entire notebook? I restore note content from backups. I have personal backups and Evernote has a Note History backup. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-access-and-use-note-history
  14. I see your problem. You have no tags. ? More likely, your tag page has gone invisible. Can you see your tags in the sidebar? I don't spend a lot of time troubleshooting my devices. My process would be: Reboot my device Delete and resinstall the Evernote app Completely remove the Evernote app and all files; database, ... The app AppCleaner is recommended for this Reinstall the app, login, and the database is rebuilt from the server. Warning: this doesn't include Local Notebooks or unsync'd notes
  15. Could you post screenshots along with your description. It would help to see the issue I usually work on the tag page to rename and delete tags
  16. My notes in Evernote contain files of many formats including MS Word. If that's a format you need to use, it's supported in Evernote.
  17. You're welcome to add your support to the request for "in-app passlock protection". My point is to answer the question "How do I password protect my Evernote on PC?"
  18. Using a time-out password is also a good idea. >>why introduce passcode for mobile app This feature was requested because are devices were ....mobile and shared. There is a request for the same feature on the desktop apps. Please consider adding your vote.
  19. Please show your support for this request using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. This request currently only has 5 votes from the user population.
  20. For unlimited hierarchy, I can tell you Tags is the right way in Evernote. It's the only element having the parent-child relationship; but only on the Mac/Win/Web platforms. >>Hierarchy of notebooks/stacks should be a given. Well, it's not a given in Evernote. I'd suggest you should be reviewing a different service where it is a given.
  21. On my Mac, I can select all my notes, then export in html format I actually run this weekly for a full database backup The result is an html file for each note, with a resources folder for attachments.
  22. It's 9:00 am here and the sun is up Did you have a specific question/comment about Evernote.
  23. You're posting in a discussion forum, and the discussion section of a feature request. As to statistics, you can check the vote count at the top left corner of the discussion; we're up to 16. Please add your vote. >>The exsistence of this feature will not harm your feelings. You are always free to not to use it. Please therefore be open to life enhancing ideas.  It's not a feature I need, but I'm open to all features, especially "life enhancing ideas". I'm also open to all discussion; both pro and con.
  24. IMHO this volume is excessive for a typical user. I'd be interested in more details on your use case. I'm following Evernote's subscription changes, and one possibility is a cost more directly linked to our storage requirements. At one time, we could purchase extra upload credits.
  25. That's valid. I don't always use the heavyweight apps. There are many available editors; I use whatever gets the job done and meets my requirements.
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