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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Good bye, Good Luck "If you're not Evernote employee, no need to follow-up, your answers are ignorant and give negative feeling about Evernote."
  2. I have minimal notebooks; my primary notebook is called Filing I use tags to identify my Projects, Master Notes, Tasks, ...
  3. This solution works for me; a master project note and separate notes for each task. For the "clear overview"; add todo note links to the master note
  4. Hand sorting isn't necessary but could help in post processing. Scan the receipts and address your requirements in post-processing. Do some planning to identify your requirements; title, tags etc. btw What device/platform are you using? - The Windows/Mac platforms allow for mass changes and changes to created date. - The Mac platform allows for scripting.
  5. The Scanable app (IOS) sets a title of "Receipt" and date. The date is also stored in the note's created/updated date. My standard is to include the date in the title along with all important info and $ amount. I assign tags !Type-Receipt, Vendor, Budget-Category It's a manual edit assisted with scripts on my Mac.
  6. I'm interested in your ideas on the data model >>Right click Over notebook name->Create Sub-note. It's too hard for you to imagine this ? That doesn't seem difficult. More work will be required to store the data. Also additional UI changes to view and use the sub-notebooks
  7. It's a good idea to sync/refresh your data when switching device/platforms.
  8. Evernote OCRs the scanned receipts. If the date is legible and consistent, you should be able to search for July 2017 My experience is that receipts rarely have a consistent method of showing the date.
  9. Yes, we really need another discussion on multi-level notebooks. Evernote generally doesn't comment on these questions. >>Implementing multi-level notebook it's not difficult. Please provide details on how this would be done? A model is the parent-child relationship implemented for tags; adding a parent field to the tag record. A single level (Stacks) was implemented by adding a text field to the notebook record. Also a change is required to the UI to provide use of this feature. Any such work would require funding. It's a fact that that the majority of users are unwilling to pay for this product.
  10. I have that feature on my IOS devices, using my fingerprint for access. I wouldn't want to enter a passcode each time I switch apps (often)
  11. This is more of a GTD question. I'm wondering why a separate notebook for "Next Actions" I can understand a notebook/tag for Tasks. For me, identifying the Next Action is only important whan I'm starting a project, or completing a task. Also, a Next Action task with a start date in the future isn't important at the current time.
  12. My Mac has a shortcut for Copy Note Link >>I am using Evernote for my GTD Setup. I link my next actions to my projects. For my processing, tasks and projects are linked with a tag tag: !Project-aaaaaaaaaa I list my project notes in title sequence, and use a prefix to control the sequence -Project Master Note ttTask (Next Action) tTask tTask Misc. Project Note
  13. Confirmed. Try the IOS Share feature Safari is making the web page available, and you'll see a list of applications ready to process the data
  14. The web clippers are app extensions on the Windows/Mac platforms. There is no web clipper available on the IOS platform. We use the IOS Share feature
  15. Changing note creation date is a function on the Mac/Windows platforms. The function is not available on the other platforms The screenshot is from my Mac
  16. To indicate your support for this request, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. In the meantime, I'm not letting the lack of these features impact the quality of my work. I use the Evernote editor for basic notes For serious work I have the choice of other editors; Apple-Pages comes installed on IOS devices. Evernote works well with iWork documents.
  17. This was just discussed here. It is possible to use a different passphrase for each encryption.
  18. This looks like the standard Evernote text encryption feature.
  19. I've always had a good experience with Evernote Support. For my critical problems, they've responded quickly and resolved my issue. For non-critical problems, they've taken note of the issue, to be addressed as per priorities and workflow. I don't expect Evernote to drop all other work just because I report an issue.
  20. OneNote is better at editing (proprietary format). Evernote is better at filing documents/files. I don't need a new editor; I have access to various editors that get the job done. I need a tool to store my +10,000 documents and make it easy to access data as required. The Evernote note can contain files of any format. I use the Evernote editor for basic notes. I use MS-Word/Apple-Pages for word processing, MS-Excel/Apple-Numbers for spreadsheets, PDFs, Images, ... >>I'm not saying to make it free because its an awesome handy app but saying that on the free version they should increase from 60 mb only to something a bit bigger than that. Paying customers are needed to pay the bills for the service and fund ongoing development.There has to be limits on the free account otherwise few users would upgrade to the paid version. I view the free account as an introduction to the service. If you find this a useful product, subscribe and get access to the full featureset. >>compared to OneNote which is TOTALLY FREE tanstaafl - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch; and I'm not signing my soul to the devil Get thee behind me Satan
  21. One of the great things about Evernote is the note can contain files of any format. You can use the editor that works best for you. I use the Evernote editor for basic notes; MS-Word/Apple-Pages for extended word processing features. I'll check out the Workflowy editor but so far my requirements are addressed with this combination.
  22. On my Mac, I just click on the Evernote Icon in the dock. I can also click on Evernote > File > New Window
  23. I don't know about the imaginary Evernote representatives; I'm seeing hostility from Evernote Member @David N - Research Analyst
  24. So; it seems very easy to implement, except for the JavaScript... and CSS
  25. Is this request specific to a device/platform? edit: The request has been moved to the Mac forum
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