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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. This works for me; however there are two exceptions: A note can be assigned multiple tags, whereas a note be restricted to a single folder. Tag names have to be unique. In a folder structure, the sub-folder names can be repeated
  2. You would need to look at a different product for this; Evernote has never supported folders. There's only two note organization options, Notebooks and Tags.
  3. If you repost as a feature request, I'll add my vote. A work-around is to use separate notes for your duplicate attachments. >>with the same name like there are many John Does around our world...) Same name is not the issue. Your problem was trying to change the name of one of the John Doe clones.
  4. It seems Evernote is trying to be clever on duplicate attachment files No matter how many times you paste the attachment, there is only one copy stored in the database, Even if you duplicate the file, and try to add it with a different name (ANY1, ANY2, ANY3) the original name is used and only a single spreadsheet file is stored. Fom the Evernote developers documentation, attachments are identified by a hash checksum; spreadsheet ANY.XLS becomes 5F3C0D7B-6372-47DB-B854-1FA877A7F917.XLS The hash attribute contains an MD5 checksum of the corresponding resource's bytes, which is used as an unambiguous identifier that points from the hypertext to one of the note's attached resources. This identifier is used instead of the resource's GUID so that the note and all its resources can be created and copied without needing to replace the identifier in the copied note.
  5. I agree with "gather many disparate forms of information from a variety of sources" Notes can contain files of any format; pdf, image, office/iwork, ... including Markdown files
  6. I think you're misinformed about Evernote. For me, it's not "one-stop-shopping, everything-under-one-roof" ... primary tasks is formatting text. Evernote does come with a free editor that's fine for basic notes; the underlying format is enml, an html fork. >>Invoking external apps to accomplish specialized tasks is a sensible and necessary division of labor External apps is my solution for implementing markup editing (mostly html); I use the Textastic app (supports Markdown)
  7. Personally, I rely on Tag/Keyword searches more than freeform text searches, but it does provide a fallback when I've misplaced a note. >>3) Searching for "whatever phrase in quotes" (with quotes around it to specify the exact phrase), brings up every occurrence of each separate word Can you provide more details, or examples. Its working for me >>This makes it impossible to... - Search for a date or times (2018-07-07 or 06:30) within the text of notes in Evernote I'd still search for 2018-07-07 or 06:30 You will get false hits like 2018/07/07 ... but they can be weeded out. There are other design deficiencies in the search feature, including stop words and lack of regular expressions and full Boolean. I'd like to see an overhaul of the search feature. I moved your request from the Mac forum to the General Feature Request forum.
  8. Premium accounts have access to Note History data. This is a version backup of notes. If the note is "lost", you won't be able to access versions of the note.
  9. Yes, any Basic account can be upgraded to a paid subscription. Make sure you upgrade an existing account instead of creating a new account. The attached screenshot from Evernote/Web > Settings > Account Summary shows the Account Level with a Manage Subscription link and the Email Notes address
  10. To add a row, position the cursor in the last cell, then press tab (external keyboard)
  11. At one time, Evernote was a "rich tech company"; funded by investors. These days, Evernote is funded by user fees. It's paying the bills but I wouldn't describe it as rich. The majority of users pay nothing for using the service. >>expressing my opinions to friends and family based on my true experience Based on my true experience, I recommend the Evernote service. I have over 12,000 notes and have not found a better alternative.
  12. What devices do you use; There are plenty of Markdown editors available. For the "cloud, share tools", I use Evernote along with the editor that provides the required features.
  13. On-Line (internet?) search is difficult if you want full encryption. I know with Evernote, we lose search functionality with encrypted data.
  14. It's possible that links in Google Sheets/Docs/Calendar only support internet protocols e.g. HTTP://, HTTPS:// ... and not in-app links. You may have to followup with Googles Support on this.
  15. I don't use Evernote's encryption feature (I don't want to be locked into Evernote and Mac/Win computers) However, it's not a best practice to sync your data, then encrypt it afterwards Instead use a local notebook, or go offline encrypt move note to a sync'd notebook, or go online
  16. Evernote doesn't support encryption at the Notebook level hierarchy, hence the posting of this request. Please indicate your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. In the meantime, you can protect your sensitive data using encryption. Evernote supports text encryption; I encrypt documents using the native encryption in MS-Office / Apple-iWorks.
  17. You could also look at Workflow This product was bought by Apple, and will be built into the new IOS release Here's the script for a timestamp https://workflow.is/workflows/5820707051b643e89e18af7d4bfa49af
  18. This request is for a Notebook hierarchy feature. To indicate your support for the request, use the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion. >>But I don't really understand why you are commenting in this thread. I don't think this is the thread for you. You posted a question about adding Folders, I responded. Take note that this thread is Notebook related, not Folders. Are you sure this is the thread for you?
  19. To rebuild the search index Option Key Help > Troubleshooting > Recreate
  20. afaik There are no Evernote shills. I admit to being an Evernote fan. I use the service to file all my digital documentation; 12K notes with a 75% archive I do try to be helpful. I'm not into "Boohoo, Evernote's so bad" posts I'm more interested in posts on how to make this product work; specifically how to archive my notes. So, if you have any archiving solutions please let us know. This is a Feature Request discussion. To indicate your support for this request, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  21. I use Date Stamp (Shift + Command + D) or Time Stamp (Option + Shift + Command + D) on my iPad Pro (external keypad). It's a standard for Mac and IOS There seems to be little interest in an on screen button; but never say never.
  22. Evernote supports export into html format. I'd consider this economical and usuable; it's ubiquitous. You could also look at cloudHQ which gives various format options, including Word and PDF.
  23. That's an interesting idea; Archive being similar to the Trash There is currently a Trash feature; notes are available for offline viewing, the note must be restored before editing. The original Notebook information is retained. Notes in the Trash are excluded from searches; I'd want the option to include notes in the Archive
  24. Evernote has never supported folders; only the notebook/tag methodology. For me, this is a great improvement; I'll never go back to filing documents by folders.
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