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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I mostly leave the header alone, however if I right-click on text within the header I can select delete table.
  2. Voting buttons for the request are at the top left corner of the discussion. As to protecting your sensitive data, you might look into your device security options.
  3. I protect my sensitive data using encryption. Evernote includes a text encryption feature. I also use the native encryption built into attachments; pdfs, office/iwork documents, ...
  4. It's working for me. I right-click to open the pdf in Preview; it's not my default pdf application I update the pdf, save, and it;'s updated in Evernote. Are you current on you OS and Evernote versions? There were problems in the past but they've been long resolved.
  5. I think all apps are limited by the OS so you won't find a better web clipper solution. You do have the option of selecting text or pictures instead of the entire web page. You can also capture to pdf, and then save the pdf to Evernote. If you use the Workflow utility, you have options on the capture to Evernote; for example bookmarks. Using my iPad Pro, I can have Evernote open in a separate window and drag selections to a note
  6. The answer is the same. On a PC, your Evernote data is protected; to access your data, you have to enter a userid and password.
  7. Evernote is a cloud service however there are offline options. The Mac/Windows platforms maintain an offline copy of our data. The mobile platforms have an offline notebook feature for paid accounts.
  8. If I hold down the option key, then select the Help menu, I see additional entries.
  9. The search feature is documented at Evernote Search Grammar The screenshot is an example of searching on my Mac. If you post your bookmark note we might be able to identify the problem
  10. How are you password protecting the app on your iPad and phone? And why not on the laptop?
  11. I responded here about right-clicking or hovering on a link
  12. Evernote hasn't indicated an interest in "locking down" notebooks. You can use a different editor/format, for example Apple Pages. The document is optionally displayed as inline or attachment, and can be encrypted.
  13. Notebooks also "simply labels, i.e., just pieces of text, that you can apply to a note", from a technical standpoint . The "vague functionality" comment caught my attention too. Perhaps user defined functionality is better wording
  14. A followup for Mac users Our notes are indexed for Spotlight Search which supports features like special characters and boolean arguments
  15. What's the purpose of tacking onto this discussion? You posted the feature request linked below; there have been no updates
  16. Evernote only offers a text encryption feature; consumers own the encryption key. For note encryption, check out third party Saferoom Another option is the native encryption in attachments; PDFs, Office/iWork documents, ... To indicate your support for this feature request, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  17. It seems your interest is beyond the Markdown feature request; you might want to create a new discussion There's documentation at The Evernote Help Center For consistent formatting, I use templates. I'm also concerned with consistent tag assignment; I use scripting on my Mac. The Evernote editor/format doesn't support text expand outlines. Notes are independent entities, but can be cross referenced using links and notebook/tags. You also have the option of using a word processing editor that supports these features.
  18. There is no special location for Local Notes; all notes are stored together in the database folder. The "Local" designation is Notebook based, not Note based. On my installation (direct app dowload), the database folder location is /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts/www.evernote.com I located the database folder as per the latest instructions posted at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/104518-where-are-local-evernote-files-stored-on-a-mac/?do=findComment&amp;comment=494131 >>surely my local notes will be in jeapordy. Confirmed, Local Notebook/Notes will have to be restored from personal backups. >>Any Evernote employee. You're posting in a user discussion forum. To contact Evernote Support - All Accounts Twitter @evernotehelps - Paid Accounts Contact Evernote Support
  19. The "state" has never changed Evernote was Implemented with an enml/html format and has not indicated an interest in switching. Notes can contain files of any format, including Markdown; an external editor is required. Evernote has been experimenting with basic markup options in editing text. This is a one way implementation and the code is converted to enml.
  20. An Evernote Note can contain content of any format. Check out word processing software like MS Word.
  21. Confirmed, the search feature does not allow for combination And/Or searches. My solution is to do multiple searches; assigning a temporary tag to accumulate the search results. >>Your simple script worked, but it took ~10 sec to run with my 1500+ tags.So, after some experimentation, I came up with this approach, which takes on ~0.24 sec: Thanks for the timing results, I only have 300 tags but I'll follow up on it. I suspect it's a scale issue.
  22. I'm using Applescript on a Mac to retrieve a note list based on a search The code is tell application "Evernote" set query string of window 1 to searchQuery activate end tell So it's just a matter if composing variable searchQuery For multiple tags, it would be any: tag:Tag1 tag:Tag2 ... >>You tag list would only be the immediate child tags of the specified parent tag, and would NOT include any child tags of the first level child tags. Good point I do have a handler performing a recursive search I also use a repeated-prefix naming standard For example Timeline Timeline-US Timeline-US/CivilWar Timeline-Us/RevolutionWar Timeline-Canada Timeline-Mexico This allows child tag selection using wildcards; for example search tag:Timeline* - bypasses the Tag Hierarchy that's only available on select menus on select platforms - bypasses the scripting requirement
  23. Personally I don't rely on the Tag Hierarchy feature. It's only available on select platforms, and in select menus. I rely more on tag name prefixes An example of my process is with my !Type tags. When assigning tags to a note, I use !Type-aaaaaaaa
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