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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The subject is the "Brand" stuff the marketing department has been working. There is no connection to the issues with dark theme, syncing problems, invisible note content, software reaction times .... whine, whine, whine
  2. Muli-notes works for me Standard troubleshooting starts with rebooting your Mac
  3. I agree the post was....someone used the word snarky. I also don't see any direct user value in marketing announcements; I simply ignore them. I also recognize marketing is an important part of running a business.
  4. My office also requires work in Word/Excel I'm not seeing this as a problem. I create Word documents and Excel spreadsheets and store thm in Evernote as attachments to a note. This gives me attachments to many features, including "referencing and bibliographies"
  5. You're posting in the Mac forum; we don't have HOME or END keys We have arrow keys. Command⬆️ and Command⬇️ work
  6. Evernote is working for me, for the most part. I'm using Mac/IOS to store/view my documents; 12k+ The editor/format is limited, but ok for basic notes.
  7. I'm thinking there might be different sets of priorities being applied. For yourself, purple highlighting might be the #1 priority. You find it inconceivable that Evernote hasn't implemented it; all work should be directed to implementing this feature. For Evernote Marketing, the #1 priority was the Brand; and they delivered. For Evernote Management? Maybe ensuring there are sufficient funds for the ongoing bills? For Mac Support/Developing? Preparing for the upcoming OS upgrade? ...
  8. That's valid, but as an Evernote User I have little interest in the "Brand". My solution was to just ignore the hype and carry on. Viewing the posts generated by this, it seems to have disturbed some people. They seem quite upset.
  9. Remarkable is a Linux product, and there's editors available for other platforms. I use Textastic on Mac and IOS. Both of these editors support Markdown formattining, but I still prefer Evernote's native enml/html format. I'm a fan of using external editors when I need features not available in the Evernote editor. Evernote is my tool for cloud storage.
  10. You're posting in a user discussion forum. You are a user; I'm a user. Evernote employees pop in ocassionally. They are clearly identified in the sidebar.
  11. Are you aware of pinning notes in the Shortcuts section?
  12. There are no changes on the Evernote side, just generic import options
  13. That's a valid point, and you're welcome to add your vote to this feature request. The voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion; the vote count is currently at
  14. The HTML Summary Tag actually does work on Evernote/Mac It requires a direct edit of the notes .enml file to insert the code Unfortunately the note displays corrupted on the IOS and Web platforms.
  15. Evernote is adding word processing features but I don't think the base format (enml/html) supports "Collapsible / Expandable Outlines within Notes" Until this is implemented, my recomendation is use a word processing editor/doccument. There are also work-arounds, such as a link to a separate note.
  16. You may want to use a different format for your documents. Evernote's base format enml/html is more related to web pages than word processing documents.
  17. Are you using the new PC for this, with the old PC turned off?
  18. No, the nested tag structure is only available on select menus on select platforms (as I posted). I make use of it, but also rely on a prefix naming standard; you labeled this as brain damage.
  19. This is generally true (child tags are not aware of their parent and vice versa) with these exceptions - Evernote/Windows has a child search option. - I use scripting on my Mac (Applescript) and have access to parent/child info. - The screenshot above shows a functional nested tag list in my Mac's sidebar. Note: there's only a single parent; it's a hierarchical relationship - I'd prefer multiple parents (relational)
  20. Evernote's primary organization method is the Tag feature, and nested tag structure is supported (Mac/Windows/Web) This is stored as a parent/child hierarchy.
  21. I took a look at the Bear interface. It's not a separate web clipper app but as you pointed out it provides more options. I like the prepend/append option; we can chose notes.
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