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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I know Evernote has access to my data. - The servers are running an OCR process - All my data is being indexed for searching. This is what I signed up for from the very beginning. I protect my sensitive data using encryption. Warning: this blocks the OCR and Search Indexing. I use the text encryption feature and native encryption in attachment files.
  2. Evernote is keeping 3 versions of your note and you need to identify which version is the most current/complete data. You can delete the other versions.
  3. In my installation the Evernote password is only required for the initial login. There is no password request for syncing. Can you provide more details on this request? Since you have a paid account, you might want to contact Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action For password management, there are services to simplify the process. I'm currently using BitWarden; LastPass and 1Password are well known services.
  4. I predict Evernote will have over 200 million user accounts, For data protection, there is a text encryption feature, and we can use native encryption in file attachments. You're welcome to add your vote to this feature request; voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion. >>a streamlined process for transferring note content out of an Evernote account If password protected notebooks is critical for you, you should be looking at a different service. You can use Evernote's export feature. My weekly backups take about 20 minutes for 12Gb of data
  5. If anyone is wondering about missing posts in this forum, it seems Evernote admin is active with cleaning up violations in the Code of Conduct. This includes my posts calling out trolls. I've been advised I could be banned from the forums if I continue. I've acknowledged and accepted the reprimand
  6. I'm wondering about your source for this information. My source is the user vote counts but I have no access to Evernote's priority list.
  7. I understand you have complaints. I understand Evernote has provided a forum for users to post their complaints.
  8. My translation skills are poor. Can you add details on how Markdown is supported? Is it two way with the Markdown code stored and retrieved. I'm thinking this would requires both an edit and display mode.
  9. That works; maybe "-created:day-nnn" to avoid having to come up with an actual date
  10. Not sure what "help page" you're looking at. Evernote has provided these forums for all users to post comments.
  11. Here's a script example using AppleScript
  12. How about scripting to select a random note from the list. I could do this on my Mac. I'd use a "random thoughts" tag to limit the list to my inspirational/serendipity notes.
  13. Voting buttons for the feature request are at the top left corner of the discussion. Ignore the voting buttons on individual posts. They're a distracting feature that came with the forum software.
  14. Yes, I read the same suggestions; and if the Evernote editor is working for you - Go for it For me, the editor is not adequate beyond basic notes; bugs, limitations, ... Also, it's not just a personal decision; the business standard seems to be MS Word/Excel
  15. For me it's a not a poison choice, more like picking the right tool for the job. The Evernote editor is ok for basic notes, but it's not the tool for serious work. You need some dedicated editor apps in your toolchest.
  16. There's a lot of feedback from Linux users in the discussion at
  17. It's not clear which platform/release is infuriating you. This discussion relates to the Marketing Brand thing and I'm mostly indifferent (instead of ?) edit: Mac 7.4 was a special release for the Brand update, no bug fixes edit: IOS 8.15.1 was a special release for the Brand update, no bug fixes mad-emoji-gif-9554441.webloc
  18. This is my preference, using Evernote instead of multiple storage tools. I like having everything in one place. As to the discussion title, I make use of Evernote's Tag hierarchy feature. >>I do not want to use 3-4 tools to do my work I recommend using a selection of editors. The note editor is ok for basic notes but I use a Word Processing app for serious work I need some number crunching for expense reports so I export my receipts to a spreadsheet. The documents are stored in Evernote as note attachments. >>Table of Contents feature is not easy to use. I responded at
  19. The export feature in Evernote is only available on the Mac and Windows platforms. You will need to install the client software. edit; added my vote, web users deserve some love too
  20. Brand may be important but basic infrastructure support is the highest priority; keeping the ship afloat This is just my opinion, I don't have access to Evernote's priority list.
  21. I don't understand your point. I agree this is only one of the priorities at Evernote.
  22. No, the Brand stuff is very real. Personally, I ignore the hype since there's no direct connection to the user experience. I did see a new icon, palette and fonts on my Mac but it's all cosmetic
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