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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. There is no calendar function/display in Evernote. Some users like to use a calendar grid in a note as per https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-2018-planner-templates/ Personally, I'm content using my calendar app and just adding entries there.
  2. Is this an ON or Evernote comment? I use tables for my Evernote notes; multi column, combined cells, colour background This provides a great layout for the note. The default note layout is sequential, top to bottom. Also the size of pdfs and images is constrained by the cell width.
  3. I'll leave it to other users for comments on the software. There are some posts in the forums.
  4. No argument; Syncing involves metadata and potentially note content. The initial offline download also involves metadata and potentially note content. Still, Syncing tends to be low volume, only notes changed now and then. The initial offline download is high volume, our entire note set.
  5. Syncing is low volume and should be transparent and painless; I know there are bugs on some platforms The offline dowload is high volume - there is pain from the disk space requirement - there is pain from the initial download; about a week on my iPad (IOS)
  6. It would be nice to reverse such errors but I suspect such complex functions are beyond the scope of an undo function. It's more of a text reversal thing.
  7. The pain here is with the offline download of data; not the sync process.
  8. Without the cloud, what's your purpose for using Evernote. I like the search and tag feature, but there's no OCR, no backup, no multi-platform syncing, no sharing (public note links), no .....
  9. Evernote has a Local Notebook feature. The data is not sync'd to the cloud. It's not clear why we'd use a cloud service and not the cloud.
  10. Why is syncing a pain? For me, it's a background operation and I don't really notice it.
  11. I don't know about ON, but I know that no one is looking at my encrypted Evernote data. I have no security concerns with storing encrypted data in the Evernote cloud.
  12. There are third party services that automatically sync reminders to the calendar; for example Cronofy I use a script (Mac) to add entries to my calendar. The calendar entries include a link back to the note.
  13. This would be choice even though it doesn't address this notebook password thing. It would be locked into our Evernote password and as you say, we wouldn't even know it's there.
  14. Evernote has indicated no interest in a password management feature. You might want to look at third party products. I use BitWarden; LastPass and 1Password are also well known services.
  15. My workflow is to create a separate note for each of those "topics" I use a script (Mac) to assist with this, and there are third party utilities. Checklists are nice but they have limited functionality. As separate notes I can do much more, including separate reminders.
  16. Evernote is paying for these forums where users post issues and requests. Supposedly Evernote monitors posted these posts. Thats not to say an individual post is the highest priority, and the developers should imediately jump in and implement changes.
  17. I have the opposite opinion. Evernote does ok with basic notes, and I have no problem using a 3rd party app when I need extended features; word processing, spreadsheets, calendar, ...
  18. I'm not in favour of the "elsewhere (an import it later)". I also use dedicated editors (best tool for the job) but immediately store the document in Evernote.
  19. Can you explain the "primary sourcen." Evernote is my digital filing tool; I'm currently at 12K+ documents (I have a paid account) >>But when it comes to taking notes serius: I rely on Notion.so. I agree; the Evernote editor is not the tool I'd use for serious work. MS Word/Excel is the standard for my office. As an Apple user my tools are Pages/Numbers - this addresses my inline tag/anchor requirement I also have a large number of pdf documents and images Evernote works well with Office/iWork documents, pdfs, and images
  20. Contact Support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  21. Actually it's an enml/html editor. https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php My universal text editor tool is Textastic. >>Why do you think so?  (more of a word processing exercise.) The Evernote editor doesn't support inline anchors/links. " Evernote does not remember the last location which you viewed in the note. " The note format is more suited to web pages than documents. There are other word processing features I need that aren't supported by the editor.
  22. Evernote is not the tool I'd use to write a 6 part essay. That seems more of a word processing exercise. I'd at least break the work into separate notes This also allows for the easy construction of a table of contents. It also allows emulating explanding/collapsing sections
  23. I prefer to leave archived notes in place, just removed from non-archive view. The internal links get broken with this note movement. There's also issues with Basic account limitations; note size, upload limits. ... edit: already addressed in above post https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/57743-request-evernote-archive/?do=findComment&comment=514655
  24. .I assign tag:!Archive to notes To "remove its reference from search", use -tag:!Archive I also use a x prefix on notebooks, tags, titles, ... They are not removed from lists but sort alphabetically to the bottom and can be more easily ignored. edit: As pointed out, this is a work-around to achieve archiving. Evernote hasn't implemented an archiving solution; hense the above request. To indicate your support for the request use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion To archive your data try the work-arounds presented in this discussion
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