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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You've got the idea with editing the content.enml file. I also access the note in Evernote and make an update so the back-end changes get uploaded to the server Windows users can get a .enex file to edit by exporting the note We can make simple changes to the code. The code I entered was As I said, this actually works on my Mac, but not on other platforms >>(had to search by date inside of the hashed folder in ~/Library/Application Support/com.evern... unless you have a better option) I'm doing this a lot so I wrote a script to launch Finder with the correct folder. Documented at
  2. There's no UI. I directly edit the enml/html code with a text editor
  3. Sorry, I didn't connect to the Local Notebooks discussion. Of course you have no data on the servers. I would use the backed up .exb file It's not an import, but a Windows user will need to advise you on the procedure edit: I moved the discussion to the Windows forum.
  4. The .exb file is a copy of your Evernote database maintained on your PC The master version is stored on the Evernote servers .enex files are exported Evernote data; a common backup method This is the data you're importing >>And I should always backup the Database folder, right? Backing up the .exb file is an alternate backup method >>And suppose I format the PC You can use the backed up .exb file, or let Evernote rebuild the database from the server
  5. I have note related reminders, but few are recurring. It's not a priority for my use. As a work-around, I use my Reminders tool (Apple Reminders) with a link to the note. A primary feature request discussion is at
  6. I can't speak for the "new system", but it's a 25 minute process to export my notes (Mac). This export is run weekly in my backups processing.
  7. I've been trying to ignore the Branding stuff but if anyone's interested Dottotech has a rant at
  8. Even simpler is the HTML Summary Tag. It works on Evernote/Mac but not on other platforms
  9. The deleted notes are moved to the Trash and can be restored. The deleted notebook can not be restored. The notes have been reassigned to the default notebook,
  10. I also encourage users indicate their support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. This feature request is currently at 68 votes (including my vote) We need the numbers to get Evernote's priority for this feature. >>So, can you step aside and let us complain? Please! No one is stopping you from complaining. You've only posted a couple of times, but you've done noting but complain. >>Moderator please do something. I've flagged your post for the administrators. They should be in contact about your issue.
  11. Yes I am very active on the forums My interest is helping users with issues, and also learning how to better use the product I'm not into "Boohoo, Evernote's so bad" posts. You are posting in a request discussion; to indicate support use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  12. There's no "duplicates" feature in Evernote but there's a feature in Excel. This would require getting your data to a spreadsheet which is another challenge. Any chance of you converting to a Mac? We have scripting tools to take care of this.
  13. I think my point is being missed. Just before leaving, use the travel laptop and copy the notes to a local notebook. The notes will be available when offline. Of course, the best solution is getting your on-demand notebooks to download
  14. No, the note export/import creates brand new notes; also moving to/from local notebooks >>I was going to export the notebook from my main laptop and import it on my travel laptop. Just wondering why you can't do this export on the travel laptop. I know you have on-demand set up, but you should still have access to your notes.
  15. Perhaps copy the notes instead of moving them. Delete the local notebook when no longer needed. Even if this doesn't force a sync, you have a local copy of the notes and you're good to go.
  16. Evernote has a collaboration feature using shared notebooks https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314748-Share-notebooks Share a notebook and allow others to view and collaborate on work. For a live co-editing session, I would use Google Docs. It seems the most robust >>start the session by reading from an Evernote note, and then end the session by writing back to EN. I wouldn't even store the document in Evernote; use a link instead.
  17. We have share > pdf in IOS. It's not Evernote specific; an OS feature available to all apps The same on my Mac; extensive pdf support but it's an OS thing.
  18. Evernote's format is enml; a fork of html. The HTML anchor can be supported but there would have to be updates to the UI. This is more of a Table of Contents thing Splitting your content is a work-around if you want to make use of Evernote's Tag feature. I simply add keywords to my text and use the text search feature. For example Tag-Test I use a script (Mac) to provide a standard keyword list for insertion
  19. The Plus account tier was dropped for new customers, there is no change for existing customers. >>I end up using other products to make up for what Evernote lacks or isn’t that great one of which is the text editor. It’s like I have to pay for other products to make make Evernote fit into my workflow I use a few applicaions; the best tool for the job. My text editor app is Textastic; Evernote does include a free enml/html editor along with the filing service. My word processing app is Word/Pages. Excel/Numbers for spreadsheets.
  20. There are many editors supporting mark up features like Markdown and LaTeX. No need to leave Evernote. You can store the documents as note attachments in native or pdf format (or both)
  21. My default search is update sequence; my current notes are always at the top of the list. I also have my notes organized by using the tag feature. Evernote also has an extensive search feature; more details at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  22. I use apps other than the Evernote editor to create and edit documents; anything beyond basic notes; word processing, spreadsheets, pdfs, images, ... A note can contain files of any format; I store all my documents in Evernote. Currently over 12k documents. Evernote is quite capable at handling my documents; syncing to the cloud and my devices. Previewing is built in for many document types. Export is a simple process.
  23. imho Windows and Macs are the major Evernote platforms; the other platforms are supplemental. This corresponds to my device usage; Mac as primary and iPad as secondary. I'd still like more details on Evernote's future; you posted sinking ship and dying but I'm not seeing other reports of this.
  24. Can you provide more details on this information about Evernote. You're posting in a discussion about one of many features not supported on the IOS platform, one of the minor platforms supported by Evernote.
  25. I don't think # of pages per sheet prints multiple notes on one page You still end up with one sheet per note
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