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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. It's probably an alert of open reminders, or work chat messages. I went into Settings > Evernote and turned it off.
  2. Still no change. There's two types of tabs Note Lists > title shows note list information Single Notes > title shows note title
  3. You probably need to contact support for this at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action Was there anything special about the email?
  4. A single photo; right click and select save A single note, or collection of notes Right click and select save attachments Or just export the notes in html format. All the images will be exported in their native format Your photos are now exported from Evernote and can be imported to your photo app
  5. Confirmed; the highlight colours are implemented using copy/paste. Do you have an alternative method for using highlight colours? >>And also some people bought premium subscription, why need pay again? Its not a question of premium subscription; Evernote's editor sortware is free to all users. Evernote has not indicated any interest in implementing highlight colours. This tool was developed by a third-party, looks like a single independent developer. He deserves to be paid for the time he's spend on developing the product, and to fund future changes.
  6. Confirmed: copy/paste is used to implement the text reformat. Some users want to use styles and/or Markdown in editing their notes. This is an easy and quick way to accomplish this. Do you have alternative steps to achieve the same functions?
  7. Evernote has not indicated an interest in styles. You might want to check out this the EverTool app
  8. Evernote has not indicated an interest in highlight colours I recommend you check out the EverTool app
  9. I access my gmail account in Apple Mail (unified email). I use scripting (Mac Applescript) to process my emails; the script handles the Actionable details automatically. Instead of the email method, the script transfers the email directly to Evernote with tags, reminders, ... This gives me control of how the Evernote note is formatted I don't actually use an !Actionable tag The Reminder designation is sufficient and also includes options for date, completion date/status
  10. No change; PIN/Passcode has not been implemented on the Windows/Mac platforms. >>I don't want to lock my PC and have to re-enter a password every x minutes I happen to pop away for cuppa or whatever I implemented a proximity lock. It triggers when I (iPhone) approaches/leaves I prefer a fingerprint unlock instead of entering a password
  11. afaik Evernote is still in the process of adding features to this beta version. For example Reminders are still outstanding.
  12. Use both; and strong unique passwords As a rule of thumb, never store unencrypted sensitive information in the cloud.
  13. That's the other point to protect your data. I have sensitive information but I make sure it's encrypted. Evernote has a text encryption feature and I use the native encryption in attachments; pdfs, office/iwork documents, ...
  14. Are you using the beta version? They haven't implemented Reminders yet
  15. Evernote's enml/html format is not the proper format for serious documentation and research. Try MS Word. Evernote works well with office/iwork documents as attachments.
  16. In theory; I don't have to trust the password manager service. They don't know any of my passwords; all they know is encrypted data.
  17. The weakest link is usually the password. Users use the same password all over the place. Hackers collect the passwords at some weakly protected website. I have a password manager app (Bitwarden) and unique passwords for each service. Two factor authorization is also a good idea. I use encryption to protect sensitive data uploaded to the cloud.
  18. Evernote has a Note History backup feature. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-view-previous-versions-of-a-note Acces to the data is a paid account feature, but you can subscribe for a single month and recover lost data.
  19. That does pin the note, but not to the top of a notebook. Its not just a notebook thing; I have note collections where I want to control the top note My work-around is to adjust the sort factors so these notes automatically sort to the top of the list. This is mostly a title thing. In title sequence, a title prefixed with "-" is at the top; for example -Project Master Note I can also adjust the note update/create dates for the other sort sequences.
  20. Windows merges notes in the order selected. Macs merges notes in the order listed. Good advise on restoring the notes and redoing the merge
  21. This is my solution for formulas and other spreadsheet functions (spreadsheet program outside of Evernote) The data actually comes from Evernote; I mass copy the data from notes into the spreadsheet Two options for the spreadsheet file Store somewhere and include a link in a note Store as an attachment in a note I prefer this option. I don't have to be concerned where the spreadsheet is filed, or backed up.
  22. I can't comment on list tags in enml/html, but this code works. No CSS required
  23. You've got the idea with editing the content.enml file. I also access the note in Evernote and make an update so the back-end changes get uploaded to the server Windows users can get a .enex file to edit by exporting the note We can make simple changes to the code. The code I entered was As I said, this actually works on my Mac, but not on other platforms >>(had to search by date inside of the hashed folder in ~/Library/Application Support/com.evern... unless you have a better option) I'm doing this a lot so I wrote a script to launch Finder with the correct folder. Documented at
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