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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I also want quick access for new notes. I should not have to specify notebook at all With no notebook selected, new notes should automatically be assigned the default notebook. I see this as the definition of "default"
  2. There's a Notebook icon in the sidebar to launch the Notebook page In the Notebook page, I see and alpha ordered list of Stacks/Notebooks How does "Inbox" apply to this? I do want my default notebook (@Default) listed first. I achieve this by prefixing the notebook name with @ >> I usually have one or two notes that represent a summary of the activity going on in a notebook and I would like to have easy access to them. There's no pin feature. I can adjust the title or dates so the notes naturally sort to the top of the list. (date adjustment requires the Mac/Windows platform.
  3. There's no indication Evernote is interested in expanding this UI. They did purchase the Penultimate app but it's languished on the sidelines. >>within the EN ecosystem I want my data to be stored in the EN ecosystem. This does not mean I'm restricted to using the EN editor to create/edit documents.
  4. In that case I would export the data to a backup; I use html format so I still access my notes. >>I would rather loose one out of 10 databases of 1 gigabyte than one database of 10 gigabytes. My database is over 10GB and I don't plan to loose any data. I've not needed them but I have backups.
  5. And I'm telling you this is not supported by Evernote. There has never been "sub notebooks"
  6. On my Mac, I can right-click on a notebooks to add/remove from a stack >>I want folders ..... I want subfolders Evernote does not support folders. Notes can be organized using Notebooks and Tags You can use a tags for Spotify, Itunes, Music to Find
  7. This actually isn't new. Apple purchased an app called Workflow, rebranded it as "Shortcuts" and released it with IOS 12 There are 100's of Actions, the screenshots showed the Evernote actions Examples: Hey Siri, "Datestamp to clipboard" (retrieve date > format > copy to clipboard) Photo to Evernote (photo > pdf > append to a note in Evernote)
  8. For those interested in IOS scripting, these screenshots show the Evernote Actions available' The initial screen shows a menu of actions on the left You drag the action to the workspace on the right to form a sequence Below are Evernote Actions Get Notes Append to Note Create New Note Get Note Link Delete Notes
  9. Is this related to the two simultaneous device limit for Basic accounts? If this is the case, you can review the device list in account settings and revoke access for an inactive device.
  10. I'd prefer to be known for my help to other users. I'm an Evernote fanboy; as if I'd use a service that didn't work for me. I'm not into "Boohoo, Evernote's so bad" posts. I'm more interested in posts on how to better use this product. >>Tags are definitely useful. I agree Evernote is not useless without tags but many people use them in their organization systems. My note organization is based on 350+ tags. I also find Tag Hierarchy useful and would like to see it implemented on the IOS platform. I added my vote to this request. >>A week or so ago you called IOS a minor platform, really? I use both Mac and IOS; imho Evernote's major platforms are Windows and Mac, really This is development decisions by Evernote, and also limitations with the mobile devices and OS.
  11. I think tag hierarchy is a permanent feature; and I use it on a Mac to organize my tags. I'd like to see it on IOS; this request has my vote. I'm not counting on it for note organization; it's only available in specific menus on specific platforms. For note organization, I rely on a tag prefix naming standard. For example instead of red white blue, I use colour-red colour-white colour-blue
  12. What makes you think this? Tag hierarchy is a minor feature and IOS is a minor platform for Evernote. Evernote is very much alive for me (Mac and IOS)
  13. There are no options to display the notebook in card view. >>Is there a way to pin notes to the top of a notebook? There is no "pin" feature for the note list. I usually adjust the title or dates so the note sorts to the top of the list. At the top of the note list, you will see the Reminders section. You can set a note reminder to pin a note title in this section.
  14. Is this a specific device/platform? Are you asking for find&replace within a note or across notes? My notes contain files of different formats; PDFs, Office/iWork documents, ... Should the find&replace cover the attachments as well? >>I know a lot of team leaders and project managers *not* using Evernote to organize their files/still jerry-rigging MS Word and XLS MS Word and Excel are the standard format for business documents I use Evernote to store and organize my MS Word and XLS documents. Also PDFs - Evernote works well with PDFs and office/iwork documents I heard the count was over 200 million accounts; not clear how many of them are team leaders or project managers. I know Evernote plans to expand into the business environments
  15. We will always see differences between platforms, but Evernote is working on a "common editor" project . There are features that can't be implemented because of OS limitations; but we're also seeing IOS becoming more powerful over time. You can indicate your support for this request using voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  16. I never found the Reminder Section useful in All Notes view, and I basically use a single notebook. My reminder section is full of ........ reminders However this is useful if you have a focused set of notes; it could be a notebook or a saved search. As can be seen in the screenshot - The note sucessfully appears at the top of the list
  17. It's a fact that the Evernote editor doesn't support hightlight colours. There is a feature request at the top of the discussion. You can indicate your support using the voting buttons. >>And as I see this thread is marked as featured request, so they have plans to do it. I don't know what Evernote plans are, and I'm not waitingIn the meantime, I will be using highlight colours via th Evertool app
  18. Highlight colours is not an Evernote feature. You might want to check out Evertool to implement colours and other styles.
  19. This discussion is about the Branding project. Another discussion would be Evernote's "really listen" function. They do provide this forum which provides user feedback on the product. I suspect you're more concerned with Evernote's response to the user feedback. My analogy is a Henry Ford story. If he listened to customers he could have built a great product. The story is his customers wanted faster horses. Evernote's customer priorities are? ....free service ...... editor: more features .... editor: fix bugs....
  20. Confirmed, I am male. The picture is a female owl though. I contradict users who post incorrect information and whining boohoo posts; which seems to be @Etonreve's focus in these forums My focus is to assist users with issues, share information, and learn how to better use the Evernote products. I also participate in beta testing; identifying issues with releases.
  21. PDF export is more of an OS feature. In IOS, you can use the share menu to export the pdf; not sure what you mean by "in the same native environment". You can also drag the pdf into notes. >>In the event if I am able to export the PDF, how could I add an extra page between two PDF pages through Evernote? No, you would have to use a pdf editor app
  22. For various reasons, Evernote does not publish a roadmap of their development. This feature could appear in the next release, but Evernote has given no indication they're interested in it. I'm also looking at the base format for notes (enml/html) and I'm not seeing the feature supported.
  23. I'm preparing for Evernote's continued storage of my notes and syncing to my devices. I've seen no reason for any concerns, and look for a long future with Evernote. I have no concerns with exporting my data; the export feature runs weekly as part of my backups.
  24. There's no specific commenting feature. If I needed this, I could add a comment section The screenshot is a table with a comment column This could also be an attachment file.
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