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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion. Evernote doesn't support the folder filing methodology. There are two fields for assignment to a note: Notebook or Tags For some uses, either field can be used for the same purpose. Notebooks can be organized into Stacks I use a prefix naming standard for my notebooks/tags. For example Colour-Blue, Colour-Red Skeuomorphismism is dead
  2. I've heard PCs don't break down too. I think the discussion related more to software OS than hardware.
  3. From the templates release notes In addition, if you subscribe to Plus, Premium, or Business, you can turn any of your existing notes into templates.
  4. "Accordions text" not an Evernote feature. My work-around is to move the text to another note, and include a link I also use file attachments for anything beyond basic notes.
  5. My data is protected by password. No one has access to it. >> PS, I cannot find 'Vote' Button Top left corner of the discussion
  6. I"m a developer and I know the technical requirements for working on different platforms. Here's a simple example; I currently use scripts to enhance my use of Evernote. The Apple Mac platform supports an integrated Applescript environment; it's not available on other platforms. As for making a living, I know which platforms have the majority of users; Windows and Android Best income is from delivering apps on those platforms.
  7. I use special characters to control the order of my notes in title sequence. I also prefix my tagnames ?Who !What @Where .When also repeating parent tags, for example !Colour-Blue !Colour-Red !Colour-White There are various tables available on the internet; here's a basic ASCII Table I suggest you do some experientation and see what works for you. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
  8. live notes? Is this like the Evernote public share url's
  9. Good point. I wouldn't do encryption in a sync'd notebook. Use a Local Notebook or work external to Evernote.
  10. No "pin" feature. My method is to adjust the title and/or dates so the note naturally sorts to the top of the note list. Other users use the Reminders Section which appears at the top of the note list. For the "dynamic notebook", I would apply a tag to the pin notes. A search will retrieve the list.
  11. You might check the settings in Apple > System Preferences
  12. Apple slogan; Seriously, imho Mac is an easier platform to work on; both for users and developers
  13. I didn't express an opinion either way. My database storage % isn't "significant" or "proportionally too much", but I recognize the issue. My vote is for both options; database location and selective offline notebooks. I upvoted the feature requests below
  14. If everyone paid for their use of the product, there might be enough money to fund the development for such changes.
  15. There is a festure request posted at the top for this, you can indicate your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion. Why is this your number 1 enhancement? I basically have a single filing notebook, but I'd want encryption for the entire database; not just individual notebooks. I'm also not enthused by multiple passwords; my Evernote password should be sufficient. Currently I have to protect sensitive data by encrypting at the note attachment level.
  16. It depends on the device/platform. Mac/Windows handles attachment editing well. It's automatic and the document is updated within the note. Not so easy with the other platforms
  17. This is my standard processing method for the "important stuff". Any format file can be attached to a note; Evernote works well with Office/iWork documents
  18. Evernote only supports encryption for text selected within a note; not at the note or notebook level. I make use of the native encryption in attachments; PDFs, Office/iWork documents, ...
  19. Still no default font setting in IOS, but the templates feature has just been implemented. We can set fonts in the template.
  20. I have no problem. I was attempting to help a user (you) with an issue, "the font characters in the windows application are freaking out"
  21. When you write a note in Evernote by default there is no font specification. The note is font agnostic; it adapts to the font of the device/platform. There are methods to set specific fonts in note contents (it's more difficult on the IOS platform). The font should display the same on all platforms. You would only run into problems (freaking out) if the font is not properly supported on other platforms.
  22. For all those wanting to indicate support for this request, there are voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. The current vote count is 0 Two solutions for datestamp The keyboard shortcut is command-shift-D on an external keyboard You can use Siri Shortcuts to format a date and copy it to the clipboard. You would then paste into your note.
  23. There's no indication Evernote is interested in "Family" pricing. The Basic account continues to be free. - I have a premium account; basic accounts for the rest of the family. - All primary notebooks are owned by the premium account and shared to the others.
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