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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. In my workflow, I prefer to separate the requirement from the mechanism. The requirement is satisfied using a shortcut. I understand a requirement of "This Week". I also need "This Day" The mechanism is whatever works best for you; dates, tags, ... hybrid
  2. The reason I want to stay in Evernote is it's the central place for all my data. My Evernote workflow handles simple task mangement. For complex projects, I use a heavy duty project management service, for example MS Project
  3. About 50%; I want to be prepared so I can flag the note and forget about it until due All my event based notes have a precise date.
  4. What if you're working on a note that has a specific due date in the future. >>If I understand, DTLow, you use the date beginning of the week after to sort these items? And then you sort them on the beginning of the next week? Right, I don't have "week" tags so I just assign an approximate day. The first day of the week is good to allow for week planning >>All items in 0-This week would have a reminder without exception In my use, the reminder identifies this week, the "0-This Week" tag does not add anything to my workflow >>Notes without exception would have a context: What project, .... We may have different interpretations of "project" When I identify a note as actionable, I always identify a project (tag) - One-of tasks are assigned "Project - None - Other examples: Paint the Living Room, Develop Process-Inbox Workflow, Develop Data Backup Workflow, ... This helps in the periodic project reviews
  5. No update. Evernote provides a basic reminder feature; a single due date and completion date. They have not indicated an interest in expanding beyond this.
  6. Did you actually add your vote? Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion.
  7. Best app for what?? imho The Evernote service is the best for organizing and processing my data. The editor is adequate for basic notes. - It is not word processing quality. - It can handle basic html code, but gets confused with complex web clippings.
  8. A recent update moved icons from the header bar. Users want the choice of which icons appear. This is currently a feature on the Windows platform
  9. It's like with tasks due on New Years Day; year end cleanup stuff 2019/01/01 or +90 days Whatever system works best for you and is not more work than it's worth For task management, I set the reminder date to 2019/01/01; the note will pop up on my task list when due. edit: This is an older message that somehow popped up today.
  10. It would be better to post your points as separate posts. They can then be processed as feature requests >>I want to be able to create a note protected by a password Evernote only supports a basic text encryption feature. There are other requests for notebook or database incryption; so far Evernote has not indicated an interest I protect my sensitive data using the native encryption in attachments; pdfs, office/iwork documents, ...
  11. I agree, and am happy to have abandoned the folder paradigm,. I use the tag hierarchy not as a tool to organize notes; it's a tool to organize the tags themselves. With the new 1,000 limit on Notebooks, such a tool might be useful.
  12. I have nothing specific for "waiting for". My thinking is the task should go dormant for a period; 1 day, 2 days, a week ... I set the due date and the note appears on the task list on that date
  13. I can see I might want to move the 8 tasks to a future date. I've structured my filters so uncompleted tasks carry forward. I don't usually update the date unless I want to move the task to the future. Does "Today tomorrow" seem awkward wording to anyone else? My shortcuts are named "Current Task List" and "Tomorrow Task List"
  14. I'm a Mac; I use scripting (Applescript) to set reminders and tags; this could be single note or bulk. tell application "Evernote" to set reminder time of theNote to date theReminderDate Can you give a use case for bulk update in task management? Generally, I update tasks individually.
  15. I wish I could find the post to give proper credit. A user in these forums kept at it until I finally understood the concept. edit: Also my calendar app is date based. It works very well. >>I'd like to have an overview of your system too, if you were willing to share with us!!  In this discussion you have the overview of the date assignment (tag vs date) Other topics would be Task Priority Context Project Review
  16. I'm thinking this complicates identifying "all the items I need to proceed today", Ideally, I would want a shortcut item to produce this list.
  17. Just bits and pieces This discussion focused on the date assignment for tasks (tag vs date); I use date and the filter for Current Tasks As I said, I think priority needs to be addressed There's also the GTD context, like Personal and Work Project Review Process would be another discussion
  18. This is not a breathing exercise. There is a feature request posted at the top of the discussion. To indicate your support, use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. imho Evernote recognized the organization hierarchy requirement; they addressed it with the Tag feature Evernote recognized the need to organize notebooks; they addressed it and with the Stacks feature; with no further actions indicated An employee did mention adding another level, but there's been no other word on this
  19. We can't open two notes at once, but we can open Evernote and the Files app side by side (iPad Pro) I can drag the file attachment into the files app, then drag into the new note
  20. Task priority is something I haven't addressed. I have successfully pared the list to just my current tasks, but it's still a list. Some tasks have priority over others. GTD preaches not pre-prioritizing tasks but I'm considering the Eisenhower matrix of Important and Urgent.
  21. I structured the search so uncompleted tasks just carry over. >>Also is there an easy way to set reminders with shortcuts? I'm mostly working on a Mac. No built-in shortcuts but I use a script.
  22. Some tasks have defined dates. That's easy; no decision required. Project tasks - on project setup identify the first task(s) and set the date. - Every time a task is completed, identify the Next Action(s) and set the date - In periodic project reviews (weekly?), check the task list and adjust dates as required. New one-of tasks, perhaps an email - decide if it's actionable - assign it to a project, my default is "Project - None" - set a date if appropriate, it could be today's date (do it now) Reminders don't require an actual date, also equivalent to do it now The "someday" list also needs periodic reviews >>If I understand it all, it seems we have pretty similar way of proceeding, just that you're using reminder where I use tags? I'm more concerned about your 0-Now, 1-Next, 2-Following, ... attributes As you pointed out, this requires adjusting each night.
  23. Next week is 2018/10/06 It doesn't have to be precise; I can change it when it gets closer. Even today's tasks. If I look at the list and decide to put off some tasks to later, I'll change the date. They drop from the list and reappear when specified
  24. Yes, this is necessary when you specify tags 0-Now, 1-Next, 2-Following, ... I specify an actual date; tomorrow is 2018/10/01 next month is 2018/10/30 This is fixed; I never have to update it, I store this date as the reminder date of the note. It's searchable. For "all the items I need to proceed today", Instead of a filter for tag:"0-Now", I filter on reminder date My actual search is reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* (Reminders, Exclude Future Dated, Exclude Completed) >>Non actionnable notes are tagged with the ".cabinet" tag and placed into the proper folders Thats very task centric All my notes reside in my "Filing?" Notebook; If a note is actionable, I apply tag !Actionable Tomorrow Never Comes
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