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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Feature requests have a voting mechanism with a vote count in the top left corner of the mechanism. That's a direct metric of the user support for a request. Rants are pointless, but seem to give satisfaction to some users.
  2. Thanks for the tip. So far my weekly export of 12k notes has no failures on my Mac. The database structure is also less complex than Windows. Is there any pattern in the failed notes? Evernote's enml/ html is qite simple in structure.
  3. I'm guessing since Evernote is paying for these forums they are interested in obtaining feedback and feature requests. User comments and feedbacks are just one of many factors in determining development priorities. One factor is user support for a feature; this request has 17 votes. To indicate your support use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion.
  4. I'm not an Android user but the alternatives seem comparable on the IOS platform. What features are you looking for?
  5. Can you provide details on this. The default on-screen keyboard doesn't show a tab key. I'm thinking an external keyboard is required (it doesn't have to be bluetooth). edit; it seems the 12" iPads have an onscreen tab key edit: My iPad Pro default on screen keyboard is 
  6. You're quoting my post, in which I said nothing about the importance of printing for myself or others My point is about using the right tool to create/edit multi-page documents. >>Obviously you don't copy and paste between Evernote and Word the way we need to. No I don't. These days I'm more of an Apple Pages user, but not much copy/paste between the apps. This is the editor I use for multi-page documents. I use the Evernote editor for notes which by definition tend to be short.
  7. Highlight colours is not that high on my priority on list. Are you asking for assistance - what's the purpose of your post? A shoutout for the Evertool app that supports highlight colours and other styles.
  8. I don't understand the benefit of storing the text file externally. I want to store it in a note as an attachment.
  9. No changes. For a multi-page document to be printed, I recommend a word processing editor. Evernote works well with Word/Pages.
  10. That's the page. It might help if you identify your device/platform.
  11. Drag and Drop is working for me (Mac/Safari) Are you working in the Notebook page?
  12. I prefer getting the list displayed. 0,1,2 might be obvious but it gets obscure after that.
  13. You have many choices for editors; are you using the best tool? My favourite note taking editor is Notability on my iPad. I send (share menu) the document to Evernote in .pdf format; .note format if there's audio recording. >>find another solution and recommend my clients do the same Evernote's editor is ok for basic notes. I don't recommend it for serious work For note taking, I recommend Notability For word processing, I recommend Word/Pages. For spreadsheets, I recommend Excel/Numbers. Note attachments can be any file format. Evernote works well with images, pdfs and Office/iWork documents
  14. I also use the single character prefix; my top level tags are ?Who !What @Where .Period This is a naming standard, and also a hierarchy (Mac)
  15. It's not the typical experience. Self help troubleshooting is to reboot your device; delete and reinstall the app.
  16. This seems like a question for support https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action I run weekly full backups with html export without an issue.
  17. I think it's a bug. The app should be using the default highlight colour, which can be customized (Mac) In the meantime, can you work with a different background colour. I use a template set up with a table with background colour.
  18. A good shortcut, but a one-trick-pony; you can only use it for one set of tags. Here's my trick. I prefix the tags with the subject; for example "Sched" for scheduling. So my tags would be Sched-Today, Sched-Tomorrow, Sched-NextWeek, ... To enter the scheduling tag, I start typing Sched Instead of a list of 300+ random tags, I'm presented with a list of 4 scheduling tags I can use the same trick for different sets of tags; Project, Vendor, Budget, ...
  19. For day +2, I would use reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+3 -reminderDoneTime:* (all reminders exclude future dated exclude completed) For specifically dated reminderTime:day+2 -reminderTime:day+3 -reminderDoneTime:* >>What solution do you recommend for syncing your calendar (google calendar) with Evernote? Sorry, I'm an Apple Calendar use. I use scripting on my Mac or drag-and-drop You could look at Cronofy Calendar Connector >>Edit : found some solution to show the reminders on the next day reminderOrder:* reminderTime:day+2 -reminderTime:day+3 -reminderDoneTime:* It helps if you give the description of the parameters, for example the first parameter is (all reminders) the second parameter is (all reminders dated day+2 or greater)
  20. Calendar rules them all - I use a calendar app for reoccurring tasks and event based tasks. Also a reminders app My daily process is View Calendar (app) View Dated Active Tasks (Evernote Reminders Search) View NonDated Active Tasks (Evernote Reminders Search) I copy the entries into my daily journal note. I'm still working on priority within the Evernote searches
  21. >>How to identify Overdue Tasks? I have no process to identify overdue tasks specifically. I identify notes as Actionable, but with no indication of duration. The task could take 3 minutes or 3 days. By identifying and using the start date (Reminder date), overdue tasks should be eliminated.
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