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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. For my use, I don't want to bother with any structure for storing my notes; simply add the note to the database, no folder/subfolder/subfoler/subfoder >>but for me, hierarchy is a more logical way to structure content in most cases ... Evernote has realized a minimal hierarchy by introducing stacks, but since these cannot be nested, they represent only one further structural level. Evernote implemented two fields to the note metadata: Notebook and Tags Notebooks are implemented with no hierarchy potential. Tags are implemented with unlimited hierarchy potential I like the hierarchy for organizing tags, but it can only be accessed on selected platforms like Mac and Windows Relational (multiple parents) is even more useful.
  2. On an Mac, shortcuts can be specified in System Preferences
  3. Sorry, I'm having problems posting with an iPad and weak internet service. I'll sort it out when I get home. edit: I've lost whatever thoughts I had on this, just whatever's already posted. I'm not able to replicate the issue being reported.
  4. imho The a classic folder structure is not the best way to keep track of a very large number of notes. In my experience, the Tag/Keyword Metadata methodology is the best solution. The two important factors are Multiple assignment of tag/keywords to a note Less organizing work is required. It's the tags/keywords which get organized; the notes themselves are stored with no structure required.
  5. fwiw I use scripting to automate my backups. So far, no problems with the full export in bulk. If necessary, I can change this to individual note backups.
  6. I'm not clear on this. Could you provide some actual data examples. And you're right; we're out-of-topic for the web beta. A new topic would be more appropriate.
  7. The tag feature is a hierarchical organization with parent/child tag relationships. I can access this data using an sql app on my Mac (DBBrowser) I implemented a relational tag model with multiple parents. The details are stored in a note. I use scripting on a Mac (Applescript) to access this information. Scripting also allows navigating the tag hierarchy.
  8. Command + Delete is a note list function When using Delete in the note title or in the body, you are deleting text edit However, the Note menu works to delete the note, and indicates the shortcut sequence
  9. The "NEW AND IMPROVED version of Web" is a beta version, and doesn;'t include all the features. You can revert back to the full feature version.
  10. This is the Evenote Helper app. I think I confirmed your results. If the Evernote app is not running, the data sent from the Helper app gets lost. I'll be opening a support ticket on this.
  11. I would look at the underlying enml/html code to see if there's an indication of the source. This can be viewed using the export feature (Windows/Mac)
  12. You're posting in a notebook/tag hierarchical structure discussion (Nesting Multiple Notebooks / Creating Sub-Notebooks) I explained how to navigate and find notes for "nesting 7+ levels" - I posted screenshots of the notebook and tag trees. >>My point is, that a note with internal links is a lot better than tag hierarchy for that type of problem You should start a new discussion instead of tacking on to this one. For internal links, Evernote does support note links, allowing a master Table-Of-Contents note How-to-use-note-links-to-connect-between-notes There are requests posted for internal table-of-contents type links. My solution is to use tags as anchors within the note contents; not just at the note metadata level. A search identifies the notes
  13. It's not clear what @OVPdev is debating; projects and navigating to notes with a misunderstanding of hierarchical structure. edit: it turns out the point was "internal links", not related to the notebook/tag hierarchy discussion >>Evernote recently increased the limit from 250 to 1,000.  The notebook # increase makes this request (Nesting Multiple Notebooks / Creating Sub-Notebooks) even more important as a means to organize notebooks.
  14. I tried to answer the "how would you navigate?" question I showed you screenshots of the notebook and tag trees. More explanation; I can navigate by clicking on the appropriate name/level. This filters the note list to the specific notebook/tag. As to "lots of notes", I use descriptive names in the note titles.
  15. What would those "significant limitations" / "significantly flawed" be? imho It's that the tag hierarchy is only presented on select menus, on select platforms. For example, no tag hierarchy on my iPad. I would also like to see a relational organization (multiple parents) My preference is for multiple tag assignments to a note instead of the sdnificant limitation of a single notebook assignment
  16. Not just projects; on a Mac, we can create a hierarchy for organization (also Windows) - 2 notebook levels - unlimited tag levels >>Imagine you have a project with 50+ notes and nesting 7+ levels, how would you navigate? ...How would you reach the target note? For navigation, we can display the notebook and tag trees in the sidebar The screenshot shows the tag tree with with 7 levels. The notebook tree is similar but less effective; we can only have two levels. Hence the above feature request edit: To navigate, click on the appropriate name/level. This filters the note list to the specific notebook/tag.
  17. I read your post, and I commented on the "two types of people" concept I'm also in support of hierarchical organization.
  18. I work on projects. I'm not clear on how this relates to nesting/sub notebooks. Hierarchical organization is a great featiure. I use it on Evernote/Mac to keep my tags (350+) organized. I have minimal notebooks (6) so organization isn't a big issue for me. The Stacks feature works well. Hierarchy within note contents would also be useful. There are 10 types of people; those that understand binary numbers, and those that don't.
  19. You set the list sequence; date or title. My process for a project review is to switch to title sequence. I pin the project master note to the top by prefixing the title with "-" For example: -Project - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa My task notes are prefixed with "+" The Next Action Task is prefixed with "++"
  20. Please share information on your alternative solution for storing/organizing your data.
  21. You're posting in the Windows forum. On Macs, you click on the ... More menu to set a reminder. The note header bar can't be customized but the reminder icon shows for notes with a set reminder.
  22. Shortcuts are missing in the shortcuts section. ? Still a work-in-progress. I reverted back to the previous version.
  23. Feature requests have a voting mechanism with a vote count in the top left corner of the mechanism. That's a direct metric of the user support for a request. Rants are pointless, but seem to give satisfaction to some users.
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