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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. This should not be a long process. My guess is minutes instead of hours.
  2. That was hold down the option key and click on the Help menu
  3. Be aware of the limitations of the export/import as a backup/restore process This process loses the notebook assignment, stacks, the note-id. New notes are created in an import notebook; note links are no longer valid The restore can not be restricted to selected notes. The entire export file is imported.
  4. You don't need to overthink this process. First, log out and close the app before upgrading Second, download and install the app. Third, login and the app will install/upgrade the database. >>But I don't know whether the database that the App Store version of Evernote for Mac uses is compatible / transplantable with the Download version of Evernote for Mac.  I know he database location is different. No assumptions about compatibility and transplantability. >>1) Delete the App Store version of Evernote from the Mac Applications folder first? Does that affect the database? I don't delete the app before installing a new version. The new version replaces the old version. Deleting the app has no affect on the database. >>Will the database self-delete as well once the application is detected as gone? I don't know the answer. You may have to clean up afterwards. >>2) Then install the Download version of Evernote? Won't it want to sign in and establish it's own database? Yes, you login and it will install it's own database. I don't know if this a complete download or if it's smart enough to transfer from the previous version. It is what it is - do not mess with this.
  5. Your data is uploaded and stored on the Evernote servers (exception for Local Notebooks) Your Mac has a copy of this data and you can back up the database folders. To identify the location, hold down the option key and select Help > Troubleshooting > Open Database Folder For myself, I back up folder /Users/....../1156250 and I can restore this if necessary
  6. There are two types of windows, which leads to two types of tabs; 1. note list window and note list tabs 2. note window and note tabs >>By selecting multiple notes in the All Notes pane, right clicking and selecting "Open Notes in New Tabs" You selected individual notes, but each tab represent a list of notes. The title shows the criteria of the note list Here's my note list tab example The title coresponds to the list selection: All Notes, Notebook @Inbox, Notebook Filing? >>By selecting multiple notes in the All Notes pane, right clicking, and selecting "Open Notes in New Windows"; You can do individual notes as "New Windows" You can even consolidate the windows as tabs. Here's my note tab example Window > Merge All Windows
  7. Right, and there's also a stack/notebook tree in the sidebar for navigation. It's only a 2 level tree though I also avoid using notebooks because they are resticted to a single note assignment. My notes usually fit multiple categories.
  8. I posted the tag tree image for the folks that think "folders" are the only way to find notes. I rarely use the sidebar navigation trees You could use single "keywording" but most of my notes fit multiple categories. I have standard tag processes depending on note types. For example, all notes require a Type; Receipts require a Vendor and BudgetCategory I also prefix my tag groups for easy access When I start typing, I see a filtered list for Type, Vendor , Budget
  9. You folks need to understand that Siri Shortcuts does not open Evernote for you. This command would be Hey Siri Launch Evernote Yes, Siri Shortcuts can access Evernote, and get a note for processing by the script
  10. Evernote's native storage of notes is ENML/HTML under the hood (think web page). If Evernote converted to Markdown, we would lose many editor features. >>It's existing editor is probably the weakest part of it's offering IMHO.  I successfully use the Evernote editor for basic notes. I agree it's not a word processing quality product.
  11. On Macs, the OS allows customized shortcuts for any menu item.
  12. Evernote has an OCR process, but it's only for search purposes. This works fine for me. If I need the text from a pdf/image, I use an external OCR app.
  13. Still no "pin" feature I would use filtered lists to avoid "wading through countless ..." Please indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion.
  14. I opened ticket #2691826 - Mac Evernote Helper App - Lost Data and got this response This is an issue our development team is aware of and working to fix. I don't have a timeline for when, but for the notes that you add when the app isn't open, once you open the app and try adding a new note through the Helper, these previous ones should appear. This can serve as a workaround, for the time being. I can confirm that upon adding a new note, the lost notes suddenly appeared.
  15. The Evernote Windows/Mac platforms are full feature products; including support for Tables. The other platforms have always been supplemental. Table support in IOS is weak To indicate your support for this request, please use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. >>If any of you know about a better program, please post it. I use Word/Pages, with the document stored as a note attachment. Evernote works well with Office/iWorks documents.
  16. I moved the discussion to the feature request forum. Users can indicate their support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion. The post linked below seems to work well
  17. On a Mac, I can list my tags in a sequence of name or note count
  18. The new version is a beta and incomplete. For the full featureset; revert to the standard web version Even more features are supported on the Windows/Mac platforms. >>Folder organisation in Evernote is extremely poor. ... This makes it extremely frustrating to organise your notes/folders in a simple manner.  Folder organization is not supported in Evernote. As per @jefito, I use the Tag feature for organization; it is very effective for organization and imho an improvement on the classic "Folders". For those needing the Folder experience, Tags can be organized into an unlimited hierarchy
  19. The Stacks option is not restricted to any account level. Did you see the instructions prior to your post
  20. The assumption is you're using a Mac computer, and the Evernote/Mac client software. The drag-and-drop process is done on the Notebook page. You don't have to use drag-and-drop On the notebook page, right click on the notebook > Add To Stack >>I am using the web-based version. This is the Mac forum You might want to post in the Web forum Stacks are not available on the Web beta Revert back to the full feature standard version
  21. I posted a link to a post from an Evernote employee Hi! Evernote recently discovered a bug with the PDF thumbnail generating processes. We have temporarily disabled PDF thumbnails while we implement the fix, but unfortunately I don't have an ETA for when that will be.
  22. Which discussion are you covering? You've quoted a post from a user discussing internal links and a Table of Contents Your previous post cited "significant limitations" / "significantly flawed" with the Tag feature without providing details. >>From a implementation perspective I have literally written a full programatic solution that would allow this feature to be implemented with full backwards compatibility for existing clients. From adevelopment standpoint this feature is probably the most simple feature you could possibly add to evernote, much less complex than the tag system. Was this the "Create virtually nested stacks" This would not a be simple implementation; there is no Stack entity, it's a comment in the notebook record Adding a parent field to the notebook record would be less complicated; which is the discussion of this feature request. The most simple solution would be to rename the Tag feature to "Folder" >>And its a real shame to say this but evernote don't really care, its a big company I think Evernote cares about many things and prioritizes the development work. Where did you get the idea Evernote is a big company edit: I found this reference https://craft.co/evernote >>we are a small majority of users A majority of the 200+ million accounts? Try small minority.
  23. Instead, users can indicate their support for this request using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  24. I'm wondering how useful a calendar view would be for general notes. My use case is daily journal notes and work-around is to generate calendar entries via scripting on a Mac - based on subject date - includes a link to the note in Evernote
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