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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows
  2. My assessment of the Evernote editor is accurate. I am an experienced computer professional. I know the limitations of the editor and the enml/html base format. If Evernote's editor is working for you, you"re welcome to use it; I need more extensive features. >>left a ripe proportion of users with a feeling of frustration, if not to say profound annoyance Personally, I avoid using tools that give me frustration and annoyance. There are plenty of editors to chose from. A note can contain files of any format. >>Of course, there is always the factor "you get what you pay for". Right, it's a free editor that comes with the service. Then again, I'm using Apple Pages/Numbers; free editors that come with the hardware.
  3. My turn So long Chis Thanks for your work with Evernote and adding financial and operational stability to the service. Welcome Ian I'm a happy Evernote user (Mac and iPad), and don't have any advice/requests other than please keep the Evernote service running. I trust you and the talent at Evernote know what needs to be done. Maybe some focus on existing bugs; the Windows folks seem to be hurting the most.
  4. First, switch to the Notebook page - View Notebooks - Click on the Notebook icon in the sidebar You can drag notebooks to/from stacks You can right-click on a notebook
  5. We've had this discussion before; I'll agree a word processing app deservers a quality editor. As to a "Remember Everything" service, ...
  6. Notability works well for me. No integration with Evernote; I just use the IOS share menu to save the document to Evernote.
  7. For me, Evernote is a digital filing cabinet (Remember Everything) 90+% of my content is generated outside of Evernote. My background is an office, using Word/Excel. I'm comforable using external dedicated editors. I use the Evernote editor for basic notes.
  8. Sorry, I'm not a GoodNotes user. Point for Notability - Audio playback is sync'd to the note contents It's a one time expense; I wouldn't be too concerned about the cost. This review might help
  9. I use the Notability app with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil No Evernote integration but I use the IOS share menu to send the document to Evernote I use .pdf format; plus .note format if there's audio The original note remains in Notability. I delete them eventually.
  10. What I'm getting is the alternative for my receipt is Table of Contents; find the ToC note(s) and insert a note link compared to flag the receipt with tag:Taxes and tag:2018 Note Sequence I'm thinking the sequence in the Table of Contents note will be random; or a single sequence if I take the time to insert entries in order. >>Then erase those tags (once all your notes containing one or both of those tags are in linked to parent notes) ? Seriously!What's the point?  If I need a Table of Contents, I can create it when required. No, I will not delete my tags. The point is, tags provide a dynamic method of generating a note list. I prefer this note list to a static ToC its dynamic reresenting the current notes database it can be sorted as required Additional criteria can be applied as required
  11. It seems to me the Tag feature is the tool for avoiding different words for the same thing. I start typing "bank" and a filtered list is presented to select from. I use the same tag list for my in-contents tag/keywords.
  12. This is off-topic, but I'd like to hear more about using links instead of tags. As an example, I have 50+ notes connected to 2018 taxes; receipts and such. Currently, I would flag a receipt with tag:Taxes and tag:2018 How would this be done using links? >>At present, there are two types of links (Note Links and Classic Note Links) There are three types of links - Internal/Classic (In-App) - Private Browser - Public Browser >>Build a tool to allow tag-users to attach their unique tag names to the end existing note titles - so they can continue to use search and thus be 'grandfathered in'. I use scripting on my Mac to append the metadata to the note contents. Two objectives Use tag/keywords within note contents Not be locked in to Evernote. My notes database is functional within Evernote, or exported in my backups btw Links sort of lock you into Evernote.
  13. This is a user discussion forum. We're all users here. You asked a question and received the facts from from another user.
  14. Could you post the actual script you're trying to run I ran this script without any errors. However, this only copies the text. It does not copy any attachments.
  15. I'm not clear on the integration with Evernote edit - I managed to organize my tasks in a gantt time line view by exporting to a spreadsheet
  16. I gave up on a scanner and just use the Scannable app on my ipad. I also scan every piece of paper that comes my way. All scans are sent to my default notebook (@Inbox) I process these notes on my Mac when I have time I use a script to control the assignment of notebook/tags The most important point is that these documents can be retrieved as required. I have a very controlled standard for tag assignment; its not a random process. I also use Evernote for task management. Each task is stored as a note, with the due date stored as a reminder date. I create a note for every receipt (scan) and cash transaction. This data is transfered to a spreadsheet to produce budget reports. -------- The kids are young but are you planning to introduce them to Evernote and the iPad? I wish I had these tools when I was growing up?
  17. Web Platform? Theres no general option to hide the sidebar or note list panel. The note panel has an expand/contract icon in the upper left corner. This hides the sidebar and note list when viewing the note
  18. IOS has a general share > pdf option.
  19. Just to be clear, here's a side by side screenshots I can work with the new version. My preference is for a minimal sidebar with just the icons; and a minimal note list
  20. Competition; Every n'th post praises alternative products; usually focussed on editing. Money; My impression is the funds are not available for extensive development, let alone keeping up with OS changes.
  21. I'm interested >>I used to create many to-do lists on Evernote. Each list will be arranged by a date. The list will contain the tasks for the coming few days. But it's getting messy and I am thinking about a new way to fix the problem. I create separate notes for my tasks with the start date specified using the Reminder Date. This allows me to access and order my tasks by date.
  22. This is not the place to post feedback and feature requests. Use the Feedback and Feature Requests forums. Also, separate posts for each request works better.
  23. I had similar thoughts, and looked for any Google connection.I think the switch to Google data operations was a good move, but was uneasy about being too cozy with Google. No one knows the details but I know that won't stop people from posting. My thoughts are to be thankful that O’Neill navigated Evernote to financial and operational stability. He bought us a few more years in the inevitable (?) decline and fall of this product/service.
  24. https://evernote.com/blog/ian-small-new-ceo/ Ian Small Background
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