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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Is there any consideration for technical limitations or funding? >>My workaround is to select all the notes, export them into an enex file and open it in a text editor and let the editor find it in a split second. Does this work with embeded documents; pdfs, images, office/iwork documents, ...? In my backups I maintain an html export on my Mac. It's also searchable but thats via the Mac index process.
  2. The read-only feature request is posted at the top of this discussion. You can indicate your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. I'm using a Mac and data backups are easily implemented using Evernote's export feature.
  3. I posted this feature request but I wanted to address the fragile and stressful comment I'm recover lost data from backups. I have personal backups and Evernote has a Note History backup feature.
  4. The "arrange headings" and "wonderful notebook" is confusing. You can prefix your note titles wih a number, then view then in title sequence; for example 01 Note Heading, 02 Note Heading, ...
  5. I'm not a Skitch user but I tested drag and drop with Version 2.8.2 (264830) I was able to drag to the desktop, and drag into email
  6. I know the Evernote features; can you provide details on your cost for this "expensive software"? I see you have a Basic account; the software is free, the account is free
  7. Pessimist or realist? The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. >>I still wonder where all that money went... Same here I do know there was data center costs, a necessary expense at the time.
  8. It's not clear what post you're responding to. edit; Oops, you did quote a post that was discussing OneNote I started the discussion with an infomation post; CEO change at Evernote. I do think the critical activity has been completed by the previous administrations and there's not much outstanding. There are limited resources to work with, which limits options. Just day to day management. There's always the possibilty of a take-over by another company, but that seems less likely as time goes by.
  9. I have no technical information on this but it seems too long for the reindexing process. The other source for feedback is your Activity Log. Entries are generated during the process.
  10. For myself, the issue was resolved in the revisions starting with 7.2
  11. The attachment has to be exported, then opened by the other app. Windows/Mac OS handle this extremely well, mostly transparent to the user. IOS really sucks at this. You have to use the IOS share menu to send the file to the other app. Here's an example with an attachment file
  12. My solution is to recreate the search index option key Help > Troubleshooting > Recreate
  13. The Evernote editor is not my choice for a "document creation tool"; its more of a note / web-page-format creator
  14. Thanks for posting the screenshot with the markdown example Is there any indication on the note to indicate markdown coding, or is markdown the default for all notes? edit: Documentation at https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=https://list.yinxiang.com/markdown/&prev=search Looks like the notes are flagged as Markdown format Click on the top menu bar - File - New Markdown Notes
  15. My vote is for Preview on a Mac and Notability on an iPad. Evernote does support some annotation features, but it's quite basic.
  16. I disagree. To me, a benefit is that I'm not locked in to a single editor. A note can contain files of any format; word procesing, spreadsheets, images, pdfs ... >>By default, Evernote line spacing is too "ventilated" for my taste.  Not really important to me for a basic note. Definitely a concern for serious word processing documents. >>Personally, I find repetitive context-switching and mode-shifting in workflows to be taxing,  Its easier on Windows/Mac platforms. A pain in IOS.
  17. You've tacked on to a notebook discussion with your feedback on the web beta version. Better to post in the feedback discussion for this at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/113856-new-web-experience-beta-now-available/
  18. There's a separate folder for each note. File "content.enml" is the notes contents. You can try changing the extension to .html and open the file in a browser.
  19. On Evernote/Mac, expunged notes are moved to "purgatory" folder Other than that, you would have to rely on personal backups
  20. Evernote's limit is 100,000 notes per account; there may be performance problems before I get there. I rarely discard data. I've implemented archiving via an Archive tag. There's no mess at all. And most important; with Evernote, I'm able to easily retrieve data when required.
  21. Is there a reason you store "mission-critical" documents outside of Evernote? My general policy is to store all documents in Evernote for easy access, backup, ... Also, I don't want to bother with identifying a storage location and folder/subfolders >>It's amazing how easy it is to remember the pathways to find information. A benefit of Evernote is that I no longer have to implement and remember "pathways" For example; Insurance documents are retrieved via tag:Insurance
  22. I use Evernote for simple Task Management. Instead of tags, I use the Reminder feature. It identifies a task as active, along with due date and completion date/status. >>I'm glad B40E0148-49D-4C51-96FF makes sense to you (I know that's not what you meant). I suppose it's Apple package content. Its just a note/folder id generated by Evernote. I had to access the note metadata database to identify the folder name.
  23. I recognize a difference between "note" and "taking notes" Note We could look at the definition of note. I work on a Mac. Each note is stored as a folder; a container for files that are the note contents. Taking Notes My favourite tool is Notability on my iPad. I also use Apple Pages/Numbers on my Mac and iPad
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