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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. afaik there is no Keep > Evernote integration We can advise on the import solutions for Evernote You need to identify the export solutions for Google Keep
  2. I see the message occasionally. I know it's not an online issue. If I was concerned, I'd check the Activity Log to get more details.
  3. I'll check out your app when Apple releases it; however my requirement is for spaced repetition access to be available on all platforms. My solution is a note search, - with a back-end script (Mac) running each morning to enable the notes for access (this allows simplification of the note search) - tagnnn to identify the repitition interval - last accessed date stored as reminder done date The project is documented at Project <Evernote - Spaced Repetition>
  4. Which device/platform are you using? I'm seeing tags ordered alphabetically, either in a hierarchy, or just a list (Mac, iPad) I can confirm the tag hierarchy is only displayed in select menus on select platforms. I see a sidebar display on Mac, not on the Web or iPad Not clear about the "shortcut mist", but my shortcut section includes tags. Sequence is user specified using drag and drop. I can confirm the hierarchy is displayed for tags on a Mac, and sequence seems random
  5. Confirmed - Attaching files to a note increases the size of of the Evernote database I can't speak for Windows, but on a Mac, there is no compression. The attachment file is stored in native format. It does allow indexing for searching. I'm not seeing an impact to loading and search times An additional benefit is that I have no concerns about a storage location for the pdf files.
  6. Just curious; what default time would you be using? 8AM works for me for my non-time specific reminders.
  7. I'm enjoying using Evernote as storage for my markdown files. There are many alternatives to the Evernote editor Here's a sample from my Mac; my choice is Typora I like that it presents a wysiwyg display, at the same time giving access to the markup tags
  8. In the meantime, you can create a second account for your "Private Journal"
  9. You should understand that Evernote is a cloud service. The data is stored on the Evernote servers
  10. You might want to use the feature request forums to post such requests I'm using a Mac, with the Word Service add-in; this gives me access to various features like uppercase. >>Is very anti aesthetic and uncomfortable write at the bottom of the pictures and not ALL AROUND. I've found working within a table gives me more flexibility in positioning text and images >>Without these features, Evernote will always remain a simple improvement of Windows Notes I use the Evernote editor for basic notes. For advanced features, I switch to dedicated editors; Word/Pages for wordprocessing, Excel/Numbers for spreadsheets .... Files of any format can be included in a note; this gives us access to many external editors. Evernote works well with pdfs, images, office/iwork documents
  11. The 'connection" includes a spreadsheet file location (c:/...) You're destroying this when you move the spreadsheet file into Evernote
  12. To create stacks, I access the notebook page I can drag a notebook to/from stacks or right-click on a notebook
  13. A good reason to use the Tag feature instead of the Notebook feature Understand that Tags and Notebooks are similar. They are fields in the note record A difference is that the fields can contain a single notebook, or multiple tags
  14. In addition to the undo feature supported by the OS, Evernote retains deleted notes for restoration from the trash. Version restoration is also supported via Evernote's Note History backup.
  15. Post in the discussion linked below; an Evernote employee has asked for feedback on v7.6
  16. The only evidence I have is that Evernote has gone to the trouble and expense of maintaining these forums for users to post and discuss Feature Requests. I can point you to posts from employees stating that user feedback is one of the criteria used in identifying priorities. Regardless, I continue to post in these Feature Request forums. I add requests, or support requests from other users.
  17. Not to question your development estimate, but there are priorities. The user support for this request is indicated by a total of 8 votes. To indicate your support, use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  18. If I recall correctly, the process for the previous version was: 1.select notebook; 2. select reminders view icon I'm not clear on how the new process is harder edit: the previous version remembered the reminder view selection v7.6 forgets the view setting after switching to a non-reminder notebook
  19. afaik There is no technical reason why this functionality can't be developed It makes sense that Evernote focus development on requests that have user support A good start would be to show your support for the requests linked below using the voting buttons
  20. Can you post a screenshot of the "ragged resolution". I'm not seeing it on my installation. Not clear on the "online version" - the web platform? To create a support ticket, I use the support site at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  21. I moved this discussion to the feedback/feature-request forum. Since we're using Macs my solution is to use a script to filter the notes and select preferences. This is what I use to select views, assign search and sequence preference tell application "Evernote" set query string of window 1 to searchQuery activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "|" using {command down, shift down} tell application "System Events" to keystroke "t" using {control down} tell application "System Events" to keystroke "a" using {control down} end tell
  22. I'm using a Mac. No option to chage the order, but I have the option to not display the list. I display the notebook/tag icons, and only expand the list when required (rarely) The icon order has no impact for me
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