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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. It would help if you could post a link to the post you're referring to. afaik Folders have never been a feature supported by Evernote and no employees have indicate folders or nested folders were "in the works"
  2. The other choice would be Tags. Notebook sort of sounds like Folder, but there are deficiencies. It depends on your priorities Good news is the limit was increased from 100 > 250 > 1,000 notebooks also, the notebook Stacks feature was implemented to aid in organization
  3. 3) Folders are not supported in Evernote. Responses are suggestions for features supported by Evernote; like Notebooks and Tags
  4. You're ignoring that "Notebook" sort of sounds like "Folder"; and we're used to Folders and sub-Folders "Tag" doesn't sound like "Folder"
  5. I also keep a daily journal; a note in Evernote My journal template has links to notes I need quick access to
  6. We've gone off topic. This would be better addressed in a new discussion. Another problem with the tag hierarchy, it's only available with select menus on select platforms. I use a naming standard that prefixes with the parent; for example !Ref_Evernore_Forum_Notebook This also allows me to search for tag:"!Ref_Evernote_*" to include child tags I agree that a search option is a good idea.
  7. No sure about "unsynced my iPad". Try revoking access in the account settings
  8. I use Notability on my iPad; saving to Evernote in PDF format - it gets ocr'd by Evernote. The note is not read-only. I'm not a markdown user, but it's supported by Evertool
  9. Notebook features are: - sync'd/local - offline/online - shared/private - default
  10. You've posted the feature request, it's in the "funnel". The next step is prioritzation by Evernote. As users, we can contribute by indicating our support using the voting buttons in the top left of the discussion.
  11. This is unrelated to the discussion uyou're posting in. Evernote has collaboration features; sharing notes and notebooks with others. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005417-Share-notes https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314748-Share-notebooks
  12. In the meantime , check out this utility for highlighting and other style features
  13. You can protect your privacy via the password on your Evernote account.
  14. I dropped the middle column by using top list view >>I never use that column for anything I'm curious in how you manage to switch between notes without having a note list.
  15. What kind of differentiation are you looking for? Evernote's list feature is very basic - you get bullets/numbers and indentation
  16. If your account was accessed, it iwould seem someone used your password. A data breach isn't required. Are you using the same password for other services?
  17. This identifies the account subscription tier; Basic, Plus, Premium
  18. Yes; the database and app usually have to be the same version. My process is to delete the database folder. It will be rebuilt from the server when I login (except for Local Notebooks)
  19. Evernote had a problem with the device list, but indicates it should be resolved now This could indicate an authorized access to your account by someone who know's your password. You should change your password, and only use it for Evernote. Don't use the same password on other sites.
  20. Just to be clear, Notebooks and Tags are labels you assign to a note. For example, to identify an "Insurance" note; assign a Tag or Notebook. For notebook/tag use; you can display a tree structure (screenshots from my Mac)
  21. 350+ tags, minimal notebooks. I use the hierarchy to organize my tags, and I make use of the "nested subtags" I find the shortcut section gets too cluttered to be of real use. It would be nice to have some organization levels. I use shortcut scripts instead (Mac), and drill down to sub-tags >>And last but certainly not least, don't you use nested folders on your PC? And wouldn't you find it great to have similar way to organise your notes ? No to nested folders for my notes. I'm happy to be using tags, and having no concerns with folder organization.
  22. Why a "good thing"? It's optional, defaulting to non-tree. Some users may find value in displaying hierarchy in tag shortcuts It's a valid criticism that the sequence is random; I vote for alpha btw I also see the notebook hierarchy for stack shortcuts (Mac) I moved the discussion to the Mac forum It would be useful if the OP adjusts the title to indicate Shortcuts
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