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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Does the hierarchy have to be called Notebook? Is any other name acceptable. imho I'm not hung up on the actual name; I just need there to be a hierarchy; a parent-child relationship.
  2. I'm able to insert hyperlinks into a note in Evernote/IOS For an internal link, I use the copy-internal-link function, and paste. For external links I copy/paste, or just type the link address What's missing in IOS is the edit link function. I'm not able to edit the url embedded beneath the text.
  3. You're welcome to add your vote to the request; voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion. Personally, I accept that Evernote has provided a basic Reminder feature and make use of it. For "first class feature", I switch to dedicated apps (Apple Reminders on my Mac and iPad) (The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails) >>Snooze / Hide item from list for X time My practice is to reassign the reminder date >>Time estimation: optional means to assist Amplenote in estimating priority of task>>Important/urgent designation: optional means to assist Amplenote in estimating priority of task Priority is more of a task management item. I have the same issue. I generate my to-do list with a saved search, but there is no priority sequence ( search: reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:*) I sort by title sequence, and actual tasks are at the top of the list; tasks are prefixed with +; next actions by ++. I'm still left with a list of 30 items. >>but it's not enabled yet. Probably late this month or early January for reminders.” aka "vapourware"? 😊
  4. No idea about Evernote"s plans; personally, I decided long ago that Penultimate is not the best app choice for handwriting and Pencil on an iPad. I'm using app Notability; GoodNotes is also an alternative.
  5. Please provide details on the "default Calendar Notebook". It would be better to post this as a separate request.
  6. You identified notebooks for pinning notes. I basically use a single notebook, relying on saved searches instead. My pin requirement would be search based instead of notebook based. >> 2) Sometimes I want to edit a note, but not on my phone. If I could Pin it, it would be at the top ready to go when I got home on my computer.  This seems more like a reminder or tag user-case.
  7. I should have mentioned format dependencies. Handwriting is OCR'd only for image files Documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314518-How-Evernote-makes-text-inside-images-searchable
  8. I moved this discussion to the Feature Request Forum Evernote/Mac has a search builder feature. There's no intitle option. I find it easy to just type the search term As per the others, I'd use scripting if this was a serious concern. Also, there are also other search terms to be addressed
  9. The backups provide for recovery when I know a note has been altered/deleted accidentally. As to the unknown; I have no detection process in place. But when a problem is discovered, I'm able to recover. In most cases, it's not a serious problem until I need to access the note.
  10. afaik Handwriting transcription is not a feature being planned with Evernote. Actually handwriting isn't supported beyond a simple sketch feature; stored in image format My solution is to use another app; Notability on an iPad. I store the documents in Evernote in pdf and native format.
  11. I basically use a sigle notebook, and generate note lists with tags and other searches. This title prefixing works well for me.
  12. The styles feature is a common word processing feature; my use of the Evernote editor is for notes. You're welcome to add your vote this request. The current user vote count is
  13. I encounter the bug in 7.7 Beta 1. My situation is a script launching Evernote and running a full backup; the "Note is unavailable" message shows for a note. I suspect Evernote is busy; I know I have a solid internet access, and a full copy of notes. After the backup completes, I click on Try Again and the note loads
  14. Evernote has a revision history feature; more info at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note I also maintain my own version using incremental backups
  15. The technology is straightforward. Evernote has already implemented manual sequence in the reminders and shortcut sections.
  16. These are fine writing apps and I don't see a connection with tasks or with Evernote; and no objective to make them redundant.
  17. Yes I read your whole post. The topic of this discussion is Native Markdown Support You can find a discussion for "Manual Sorting" here https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/105358-pin-a-note-to-top-of-notebook/
  18. These are two valid requests, but why are you connecting them?
  19. You linked to a report presenting alternatives for organizing notes. There are pro and cons, but full hierarchy is at the top of my requirements; as is the discussion we're posting in. >>but the potential behind Stacks is being restrained. There is no "potential behind Stacks". They exist as a comment in the notebook record and provide only a single level hierarchy For a full hierarchy, you need the "nesting" being requested; technically parent-child relationship
  20. You said the note is encrypted I have no concerns posting this screenshot of my secret passwords
  21. You should post that as a feature request. It has my vote.
  22. Regarding search to include child tags A request is posted at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/105440-search-tag-hierarchy/
  23. From what I can see, Evernote has provided multiple options of organizing our stuff; notebooks, tags, search, .... We get to chose which feature best fits in with our requirements. >>we should be able to have more layers Hierarchy is important to me, and was a factor in my choice organizing solutions The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
  24. I'm not seeing an "ulterior motive" other than not adding complexity/bloat to the product. There's also funding for the development work; the majority of users are unwilling to fund this product.
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