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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. There is a discussion here on simplifying the integration.
  2. Evernote doesn't have support for a styles pull down list. You might be interested in third-party Evertool, linked below Heading1, Heading2 ... and markdown
  3. It's do-able but requires a conversion to pdf format; PDF supports an overlay layer for the ocr'd text. With images, the ocr'd text can only be stored in a separate file, or appended to the note beneath the image. Evernote's process is documented at https://evernote.com/blog/how-evernotes-image-recognition-works/ Here's an example working from an image of this discussion and the text file generated by for searching
  4. There's an inconstancy; the new note inherits the active Notebook, but not the active Tag(s). My preference is to start with a blank note; default notebook and no tags
  5. Evernote has not indicated an interest in expanding the Reminders features. I'm also an Apple Reminder user for recurring reminders. I use Apple Calendar for all events. If appropriate, I add a link to a note in Evernote. Sometimes the event originates in Evernote. I have a script (Mac) to generate the calendar entry
  6. As you noted, Evernote's OCR feature (text/handwriting) is for search purposes and not available to "grab text". You posted the request and users can add their votes; however Evernote has not indicated an interest in expanding this feature. In the meantime, you can use an external OCR process. I use app PDF OCR X. It does the job (text only), and the price is reasonable. Handwriting OCR is a more complicated process. I've only been able to use this within apps, such as Notability on an iPad. I add the document to a note as a pdf; copy/paste would also work.
  7. Sorry, the discussion is a feature request and belongs in this forum My superpowers don't include moving individual posts. You can repost your comments in the Integrations forum. I already posted about Filterize and Table of Contents at the note linked below. There would be value in adding your dashboard comments and a link back to this discussion.
  8. I don't consider the Evernote editor the best tool for documents; more for notes which tend to be short. Word/Pages is a berrer choice.
  9. I moved your request from the Windows forum to the General forum. It's a cross-platform feature and may generate more user support. There's other requests for format styles, and inner note link/anchors. So far Evernote hasn't indicated an interest in these features. In the meantime, this is a common word processing feature and you can look at using word processing editors like Word/Pages. The documents can be stored in a note as an attachment.
  10. Thanks Pascal. Filterize is a great automation tool for Evernote users. I maintain my "dashboard" in a daily journal note, which I build each morning. I rarely refresh during the day; I think Filterize has an hourly refresh rate. All my data is accesed by searches or links; its easy to obtain current data at any time. The only Evernote data I include is Current Task and Active Project Lists, and links to important reference notes. Other data is pulled from external sources; Calendar, Weather, Tide and Sun/Moon Schedules, ... I have links in the template, but also include current screenshots
  11. This is a user discussion forum. To contact Evernote support, use https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action and submit a ticket. I've not experienced a random attachment name but I rarely use the rename feature. I'm more concerned with the note title.
  12. Confirmed; the tag hierarchy is not displayed in IOS. The hierachy is also missing on some of the Mac pages. To compensate, I use a naming standard that parallels the hierarchy, for example "Budget - Home - Rent", "Budget - Home - Insurance" >>using tags instead of folders Folders are not supported in Evernote; the choice is Notebooks or Tags
  13. Evernote is more focused on search, however you can use the notebook/tag trees for browsing The attached is a screenshot from my Mac The notebook tree is similar, but with only two levels
  14. I'm at 400 tags; minimal notebooks. Likewise, I also use the same tags as keywords, within the title and note contents. I use scripting (Mac) so I'm working from a controlled list. I still make use of the hierarchy; it's useful for organization. Since the hierarchy isn't always available, I also parallel the hierarchy in the tagname. My purpose for the tag/keyword parallel is Backup; I maintain an html export. There is no tag metadata database. Search; Tags retrieve the note; keywords are highlighted in the note contents.
  15. Evernote supports limited features for tables and sorting. For extended features, I recommend working in an app like Excel instead of trying to copy the data back and forth. The document can be stored in a note as an attachment.
  16. Status; Evernote has indicated no interest in expanding the reminder feature beyond the implemented basic date base.
  17. The actually url is stored in underlying html code. You"re free to edit the displayed text.
  18. You're welcome to add your vote to this request. Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion. Evernote has not indicated an interest in expanding into the handwriting market. My solution is to use external editors like Notability on my iPad. I store the documents in a note as a file attachment, in pdf format.
  19. If you're using Chrome or Safari, you're using the Web platform; not Mac desktop. Make sure you're not using the beta version of the web client.
  20. On my Mac, I use the Jump To Notebook icon in the note (edited: hover on the notebook to see the icon) I can also access the Notebook dropdown or Notebook Page If I have trouble finding the notebook, I can use the search box
  21. I know my Evernote data is secure on my devices My devices are password protected; No One can "check my Evernote at work" My Evernote account also has a password. As to storing data in the cloud, imho, only if you encrypt your data. Evernote has a text encryption feature; I also use the native encryption in file attachments (pdfs, office documents, ...) >>I think that the password is a great idea for your customers You're welcome to add your vote for this request. Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion.
  22. There's no Evernote option for pinning a note in the Notebook notelist. I'm not a big notebook user but I control sequence in notelists by prefixing the title with control characters; for example -title sorts to the top.
  23. You should look look into the security options available for your desktop device. Evernote doesn't support a PIN feature, but our desktops are not wide open.
  24. I copied the link and pasted 3 times I then edited the displayed text. Each link points to your Hyperlink note
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