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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I understand the new web version is a beta release without the full featureset. Is there a reason you want to use it instead of the old version?
  2. No ideas what's happening with the Evernote app. For annotations on a Mac, I open the image with Preview.
  3. Notebooks are an exception; notebooks can not be negated. Documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  4. Makes you wonder about priorities; this request has user votes.
  5. You did mention there as a choice of server locations; Mainland China, Hong Kong and Russia 😏 Yes, I am trusting third parties to look after my data; which I have encrypted and backed up locally I have minimized the risk of compromise or losing data. However, using Evernote only my sensitive data is encrypted. I'd prefer full encryption.
  6. @newbi These forums are provided by Evernote for discussion of the Evernote product You should be posting these notes elsewhere.
  7. As previously mentioned, you don't want to be using the new beta version; it doesn't have the full set of features Focus (mouse pointer) on a note in the note list and you will see a reminder icon
  8. I have no problem selecting an external editor to replace the basic features of the Evernote editor/format. For note taking, I use Notability on my iPad. For serious work, I use Word/Pages and Excel/Numbers. The documents are stored in an Evernote note as an attachment. A bigger concern is replacing the filing features supported by Evernote.
  9. afaik Restoring a note from Trash is a complete restore with tags and other metadata; it just turns off the "Trash" flag. I'd prefer to have full features in Archive without restoring the notes.
  10. Deleted notes are flagged (tagged) and no longer appear in with non-deleted notes. Yes, there is a Trash section, but notes can no longer be searched, or listed by notebook/tag. I'd like the option to exclude/include archived notes with my regular note processing.
  11. You can assign a keyboard shortcut to individual fonts Easily implemented on Macs; no pain required Use Apple > System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts I recommend use of the Evertool utility app. Painlessly implements fonts, styles and markdown.
  12. Can you post the exact script you're running. >>set fileBackupenex to "/Users/markus/Desktop/@Evernote/Evernote_Backup/Notebook-" & notebookName & ".enex" Just confirming that you actually have folder @Evernote/Evernote_Backup on your desktop.
  13. What type of link are you using. The classic/internal link (evernote:///view/115625.....) should open in the Evernote app
  14. Quote from CEO Ian Small in the latest Evernote blog on priorities for 2019 undoubtedly we will still disappoint some of you—whether it’s because you don’t like the way we choose to fix something, or we don’t prioritize a particular bug that drives you around the bend
  15. Scripting tools. I use Applescript on a Mac; executing rules tnat I define.
  16. On a Mac, we can directly edit the content.enml file; export/import not required. I use this often for fine tuning the note formatting.
  17. I agree with @gazumped; adding the Word/Excel file as an attachment ensures you have the exact formatting. >>retain MS Office formatting You should be aware that in copying into an Evernote Note, you are changing the format; from MS Office to html/enml
  18. Users can indicate their support for this request using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion There's only 5 votes to "disappear this piece of clutter and waste of real estate"; Evernote might take this as an indication of lack of support from the user base. Until this oversight gets corrected, consider using some of the solutions presented in this discussion. I use the top list view.
  19. Evernote offers two fields for organizing notes; Notebooks and Tags Tags are the primary organization tool, and support an unlimited hierarchy.
  20. My understanding is emoji are now supported in Evernote/Windows (https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/112693-evernote-for-windows-611-ga/ A windows user will have to provide specific details; @EdH is our resident emoji enthusiast.)
  21. The note shows the current notebook To move to a new notebook, click on the notebook and a box appears with a list of notebooks to select from. >>are all notes in a notebook automatically? Yes. Notes are assigned to a notebook automatically; usually the designated default notebook. >>Isn't this just a hierarchical structure like Finder on the MAC. No. There is no hierarchical structure for notebooks (just stacks). If you need a hierarchical structure, look at Tags. Finder on the Mac organizes files in a Folder structure. Not related to notebooks/tags. Notebooks and Tags are fields in the Note metadata. >>All this should be simple drag-and-drop. Drag-and-drop works on the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar.
  22. You had the right idea with the Microsoft Word file. Add it to the note as an attachment.
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