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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Another reason for a notebook is the "share" function. >> I create a Tag named ZZZ_Destination_Year. ZZZ to move it to the end of the list (=tag archive), the rest is the selection criteria. Then I select all notes in the travel project notebook and assign them the new tag. This done, I move them all to a notebook “Travel Archive”, and delete the now obsolete project notebook. I use a generic "Archive" tag. To exclude notes from searches, I use -tag:Archive -tag:ZZZ* could work for you
  2. There is no indication that Evernote is interested in this feature. I recomend the Notablity app for note taking along with the audio>text sync. It's not something I need in the Evernote editor. fwiw I store the Notability documents in Evernote as note attachments; in both pdf and native format.
  3. Welcome to the discussion. There is a request posted at the top of the discussions; you can indicate your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. Notebooks have their purpose, but Evernote's primary note organization tool is the Tags feature.
  4. Note definition: a brief record of facts, topics, or thoughts, written down as an aid to memory. a short informal letter or written message. My point is, for serious work, I use proper writing tools; not the Evernote editor/format I store the document in Evernote as a note attachment.
  5. Welcome to the discussion. Notebooks have their purposes but there's no indication of plans for infinite notebook stacking. For infinite hierarchy, use the Tag feature on the Windows/Mac platforms. There is a feature request posted at the top of the discussion. To indicate your support, use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion.
  6. Latest news is Evernote now has a positive cash flow. >>I wanted my data somewhere where I knew I could control it. I wanted to get it off their platform before I had no choice. My data backups include a weekly full export in html format. My data is off the Evernote platform, and under my control.
  7. Random note is an interesting idea. I could script this on my Mac. tell application "Evernote" set noteList to find notes set rn to random number from 1 to (count of noteList) set randomNote to item rn of noteList set query string of window 1 to ("title:\"" & title of randomNote as string) & "\"" end tell My first thought is to exclude certain types of notes like reference material, but then that's probably sabotaging the project.
  8. Why is that, and does it relate to the archive funtion? I have over 12,000 notes and no problems accessing my data.
  9. I moved this to discussion the Feature Request Forum My understanding is that you're seeing the IOS auto lock function. There is no Evernote override, but you can set the the time interval in your device settings screen. https://www.imore.com/how-change-auto-lock-your-iphone-and-ipad
  10. I agree that Evernote has indicated no interest in implementing a specific archive function. afaik This has been the position since the product was initially released; nothing new here For myself, Evernote continues to be a productive tool for the storage and access of my data.
  11. Email addresses for each notebook is still not an Evernote feature This feature is supported by third party Filterize Filterize mail-in address Filterize also offers you an address for every notebook. Just go to the mail-in page at Filterize and paste your Evernote email address there. Now, you can use the Filterize mail-addresses. Every notebook has a distinct one. This way you can setup your rules in the mail client to forward mails to the right notebook. Also you can use these addresses as recipient for newsletters, which will be stored in Evernote in the right notebook automatically.
  12. Sorry, I can only advise on the Mac platform and scripting with Applescript.
  13. One giant bloated app that contains every feature used by every user? No thanks, I'm ok with using dedicated editors when I need extended features.
  14. We've gone off topic, but here's my implementation of a grandparent ToC and drilling down My "grandparent" note is my daily journal; I set this up each morning from a template An example is a section for Active Projects This is a simple search but I'm interested in automatic updates as per Filterize For now, i just use the search, and drag the links under the heading To drill down; I click on the note and then use the Flter-By-Tag feature
  15. It might help if you indicate any device/platforms, Any chance it's a sync conflicts? btw I recommend not using a single note - I use separate notes for each day's journal Issues still happen, but they're confined to a single day note.
  16. That theory is users specify the same password on various sites. The bad guys pick up the userid/passwords from a less secure web site, and try them out on sites like Evernote. The protection for this is to only use your Evernote password at Evernote.
  17. Top left corner of the discussion >>a. altering the reminder date on multiple notes simultaneously and b. working out how to change the default time (hh:mm) for reminders - currently set at 8:00 as far as I can see but I would prefer 5:00 I use scripting (Mac)
  18. This is not an Evernote feature, but do-able with third party Filterize I see under Conditions Search in the note content for the given term. This includes also the searchable parts of your attachments. Whitespace will be ignored. You can decide, if the search is case-sensitive or not. And Actions Add and Change Tags
  19. There's still no option in the Evernote editor for highlight colours For extended formatting features, I recommend the Evertool utility
  20. I use both notebooks and tags; and use the tag tree structure Please explain the difference between a tag tree structure, vs a notebook tree structure. Why the "poor man's workaround" designation? The term seems more appropriate to the Notebook/Stacks structure. >>export the majority of my data to archive it, but it sure sucks to have to recreate note books everytime you import data back into evernote.  Not clear on your exact usercase but separate exports per notebook will preserve the notebook info.
  21. No need to move folders; and not a good idea while Evernote is running. The files in the folder can be deleted if no edits are in progress.
  22. Can you provide the exact search string to use. Your example illustrates a negated text search Here's a sample of the search string for notebook @Inbox and text Journal Include Notebook notebook:@Inbox Journal Exclude Notebook -notebook:@Inbox Journal *** Not Valid ***
  23. Here's the complete script for Evernote_Reminders.scpt Explanation of the code is Identify the reminder date set reminderDate to to date ((text returned of (display dialog "Reminder Date" default answer (yyyymmdd & " 8:00 am")))) Identify the current selected notes tell application "Evernote" set theNotes to get selection Process the notes repeat with theNote in theNotes set reminder time of theNote to reminderDate end repeat end tell
  24. I use scripting on a Mac (Applescript) For example, this is a screenshot generated with command-option-R
  25. seems like an issue for Evernote Support; open a ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
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