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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I posted a screenshot above; I think it resembles a "hierarchy of folders". >>Windows 10 And your Evernote version? We've established the Op is using Evernote/Web with a Windows Chrome browser
  2. I find the grid view gets messy with many notes. Is there an option to simply list your notes in date sequence?
  3. You'll get more specific instructions if you identify your device/platforms. You previously identified Evernote/Windows; which version?
  4. A clarification on syntax Evernote supports two fields for organizing notes; Notebooks and Tags Evernote supports a two level hierarchy for Notebooks an unlimited hierarchy for Tags on selected platforms (Mac, Windows, ...) Folders can be simulated using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar The screenshot shows the tag tree in the sidebar of my Mac The notebook tree is similar, but only two levels >>I have no idea how to use that hierarchy of tags - In the sidebar, click on an similated folder element, for example Structure Level 5 - In the middle panel, you will see a list of all notes assigned th the simulated folder
  5. On a Mac, right clicking the notebook/tag icon gives a show/hide option
  6. That phrase is used a lot, however there is no "opposing" indicator, just arrows to indicate your support. For users wanting organization hirearchy, there are solutions posted in the discussion. For Notebooks, two levels; for Tags, unlimited levels.
  7. I'm seeing a caret to the left of Notebooks. Add some tags to notes and you'll see the same for Tags Click on the caret to show the tree
  8. Folder/Notebook/Tag is just the name of a field. For notes, Evernote supports two fields; Notebooks and Tags The example I posted was a screenshot from my Mac of the sidebar. The tree structure is available for notebooks and tags (only two levels for notebooks) You drag-and-drop the entries to create the structure On Macs, you have to work in the notebook/tag page. For Windows, you can work in the sidebar,
  9. It's the same, Tab key Of course you have to be using a keyboard with a Tab key. I'm using an Logitech K811 bluetooth keyboard
  10. In regards to using the Evernote product/service, Yes, I "really believe that". Living in caves is a different discussion; I'll need Wi-Fi. LOL Ultimately, it's Evernote's decision as to the priority for development work. I'm not part of the decision making; I can only provide feedback, and add my vote to feature requests I support. In the meantime, I learn all the features and how to make best use of them. >>one or more people were not willing to settle for status quo. Here's To The Crazy Ones / Think Different Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
  11. This is a request forum and there's a request posted at the top of the discussion. You're welcome to indicate your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. >>"Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." imho there has been no progress with this request. I'm making use of other solutions for hierarchical organization.
  12. At the risk of facing further wrath from the masses; Because, it is what it is. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself ... Shaw
  13. I'm 🍎 only. I know the hierarchy is available but we need advice from a Windows person.
  14. ENML is a fork of HTML. You will find extensive html documentaion on the internet.
  15. "Notebooks vs tags" would be a different discussion, and "folders" another discussion. I use both notebooks and tags. Hierarchy is a useful feature for organizing notebooks and tags. Evernote only supports two levels for notebooks; hense the feature request at the top of the discussion. Infinite hierarchy is supported for tags (Windows/Mac)
  16. The tag hierarchy is a Windows/Mac feature. On a Mac, you work in the Tags page As you can see in the screenshot, there's a button for creating new tags. This creates a flat list. For a hierarchy, click on a tag and drag it to another tag. This is a similar process to notebooks but with an infinite hierarchy
  17. Which part of "Nesting Multiple Notebooks / Creating Sub-Notebooks" are you failing to understand. A concept Evernote could use? Change the name "tags" to "folders". Simple solution.
  18. I still use the Evernote editor for basic notes, but switch to a dedicated editor for serious documentation. You can store files of any format in notes as attachments. Evernote works well with office/iwork documents.
  19. [Really] I feel the same way about using Evernote for storing and organizing my work. I consider this to be the core function, and that's what I'm paying for. For writing and sketching, I prefer to use dedicated apps I find the Evernote editor and format only provides basic features As I mentioned Notability is my choice for the iPad
  20. Confirmed; the hierarchy is not accessible on some platforms (like IOS). It can be accessed on Evernote/Mac, but only on specific panels. Most of the time we're using lists in alpha sequence. A request discussion for IOS hierarchy is here >>Also, there is no reason not to support both hierarchical folders and tags.  Evernote currently has no support for folder elelements For note organization we only have Tags and Notebooks Actually I don't care what the name is; I can work with anything. Do we need two/three hierarchies?
  21. Right, as a hierarchy, the stack>notebook implementation seems a hack; a text field in the notebook record. I'm guessing it made for an easier UI update. The notebook hierarchy was rolled out to each platform; tag hierarchy is still not available on some platforms. >>Of course, doing that will require some work, but hey, you gotta work for your money. As to money; the majority of users are unwilling to pay. I see you have a non-paying account. >>I just don't like to be dependent on tags too much because they're just not notebooks. Basically the same; two fields in the note's metadata. I'm not concerned with the fieldname; just the restrictions with the field use. >>Every note can be tagged with many tags but only can belong to one notebook My primary reason for selecting which field to use. The majority of my notes fit multiple categories. >>Basically what I'm suggesting is a folder-file approach, just like in Windows Explorer. You are definitely looking at the wrong product. From the beginning, Evernote has rejected the folder filing methodology (speaking of "core principles of Evernote mission") Some users simulate a folder-file approach using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar. edit; And I am specifically welcoming @Shellah to respond to any posts they wish to comment on.
  22. Approval is irrelevant; I'm interested in hearing more details of @TonyMontanaSlot's needs. With more information, we may be able to identify a solution.
  23. Welcome to the discussion. There is a request posted at the top of the discussions; you can indicate your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. I question your estimate of "simple to implement". This would require a major overhaul of the database structure, and the UI of each app. It's not clear as to your "need". Evernote supplies user with an infinite hierarchy via the Tag feature.
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