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Justin - Long Time User

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About Justin - Long Time User

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  1. If legacy stops working, my next transition will be to a new platform. In the new version: Offline rarely works, notes are stuck loading. This happens now on iPad all the time and is very frustrating. No table of contents. Left clicking files in Evernote for Windows desktop brings up a save file screen vs. just opening the file! I have to right click and scan through context menus. No thanks. All the bloat that distracts from what I want to do - Make notebooks and save notes, is not welcome. I'm starting suspect Legacy could be winding down due to the un-dismissible upgrade prompts, and the removal of the download page. I pay for two premium subscriptions, but first signs I see of legacy going away I'm out.
  2. Version 10 is a hot mess. I have installed legacy, but I'm not confident they won't pull access to legacy before fixing all the issues with version 10. Because of that, I'm seriously looking at transitioning the three accounts I use away from Evernote into Onedrive/Onenote. I get that Evernote wants to innovate, but you can't step backwards on your power users. This is a joke.
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