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About bferrell

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  1. OK, but I didn't used to need to know the difference, I've used Checkboxes in Evernote for YEARS without it auto-converting them in CheckLISTS, and while the "." does keep if from converting, indenting, and strikingthrough, it also keeps it from automatically adding a CheckBOX to that next line, which I'm pretty sure was the default behavior before, and the one I would very much prefer. I guess I'm just getting old enough to dislike change, but I dislike this one very much, but I do appreciate the tip. Thanks.
  2. OK, this is maddening, I love creating lists of items to follow-up on with checkboxes at the beginning of each line, and in this new 10.x version, when I hit enter it indents a bunch of my lines, and back-tab does not undo it?? This insanity. How do I turn this off???? So frustrating. Do not change the default behavior of a tool I've used for years without a way to restore the old functionality somewhere, please.
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