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  1. It would be nice to have a format painter akin to the feature in Word and this saves a lot of time when making notes consistent re formatting etc
  2. Thanks PE 🐘 Very likely some work setting as no issue on my own laptop. Still workable as mentioned so will just live with it (better than previously where even access to evernote web was blocked)
  3. I just found an Chrome extension that allows you to add keyboard shortcuts to any website It is called Keyboard Shortcuts for Websites. Just tested on Outlook Web, and an action that used to require clicking on a particular icon now has a keyboard shortcut chrome://extensions/?id=dgigbgdgmhhncfgaidcbmafkcmagkool Looks like a very useful extension, not just for Evernote Web but any website where you would like to add keyboard shortcuts Additionally, you can see all keyboard shortcuts you have created for a particular website which will be handy too
  4. I use the web clipper at home without issue (Chrome latest version, Windows 11). At work (also Chrome, Win 10) however, the extension icon has a little blue dot and when I go to clip anything (via Alt E shortcut) it first says the page must be reloaded and then after reloading it then says it needs additional permissions. So I can get there but a bit clunky. Most likely due to some setting in the work environment but just in case someone has a suggestion / workaround.
  5. The Evercuts extension works well for adding several keyboard shortcuts for Evernote Web https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hojeljpilmhieiaecibmdmdjhfijecgd
  6. It would be nice if a setting was available where you could specify the search default as Everywhere or last used notebook Personally, if there had to be a default I'd much prefer Everywhere. But if this could be changed via a setting then becomes a non-issue as users can configure it how they like It is annoying to have to continually change the search to Everywhere
  7. I often clip things using the Bookmark option in the web clipper A Web Clip box is then in the note. It is possible to simply the formatting by clicking on the magic wand (or going to the dots to the right and selecting the option) It would be much better however if there was a keyboard shortcut for this however as I do many other things in EN this way There is a simplify formatting keyboard shortcut available (Ctrl Space) but this doesn't do anything with the web clip box highlighted
  8. A few more AHK snippets which I find useful for Evernote A separate one I find useful (can post if anyone interested) is a universal keyboard shortcuts reminder This can be set up for various websites and applications. For each that I've set up, I press a shortcut key (in my case Ctrl 9) and a popup screen will appear with the shortcuts I've noted for that particular site of application !i:: ; Alt i (Send Ctrl Shft h for highlighting in Evernote note) SendInput, ^+h Return !n:: ; Alt n (Send Alt n for focus to notes list) SendInput, !^\ Return !t:: ; Alt t (Go to note title) SendInput, {F2} Sleep, 500 SendInput, {Right} Return !b:: ; Alt b (Send F2 Enter (Move from notes list entry to note body) SendInput, {F2} Sleep, 500 SendInput, {Enter} ; This can also be done just by hitting Enter Return !m:: SendInput, {F2} ; take focus away from Tags field Sleep, 1000 SendInput, !+m ; Alt m (Move note to Processed notebook) Sleep, 500 SendInput, Processed ; Notebook to send note to Sleep, 500 Send, {Tab} ; Select Processed Sleep, 500 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 500 SendInput, ^2 ; this moves to the 2nd Shortcut. Way of getting focus back to top of Inbox Sleep, 1000 Send, F2 Return !p:: SendInput, !+m ; Alt p (Moves note to PBD notebook) Sleep, 500 SendInput, PBD ; Notebook to send note to Sleep, 500 Send, {Tab} ; Select PDB Sleep, 500 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 500 SendInput, ^2 ; this moves to the 2nd Shortcut. Way of getting focus back to top of Inbox Sleep, 1000 Send, F2 Return
  9. For text expansion, the browser extension Text Blaze is pretty good (Two caveats - only works in browsers and get 20 expansions free (from memory) before you have to subscribe) AHK provides a lot more than text expansion but is more complex to learn
  10. I was using Legacy due to the problems with V10. However for a while now the latest version of Evernote has been working fast enough, and now quite usable for me. I also use Autohotkey to add in some additional actions beyond the built in keyboard shortcuts so all in all works quite well now.
  11. Great - thanks Mike I have a 13 inch screen on my laptop and didn't see the gear icon until I changed the Chrome zoom to 90%
  12. I have set up the web clipper to open when pressing Alt E (via Chrome extension keyboard shortcuts chrome://extensions/shortcuts On Windows 11 also) From there I can do a number of useful things as below: Format A (article), B (bookmark), F (full page), M (screenshot) Tag T then search Notebook N then search Comments T to move to Tag and then tab (may be multiple to "jump" over tags) Save Enter for a standard clip. If in Tags, Comment etc then SHFT TAB to back out then Enter That's all good but I couldn't find anything to select Simplified Article? Is anyone aware of what this is? Also perhaps there is one for Comments as my workaround is ok but a bit clunky Think it would be useful if Evernote puts these letters after the options in the Clipper so people can become aware of them more easily. Also on their web clipper support pages and perhaps even in the Evernote application itself in the keyboard shortcuts area
  13. Just for the record. I uninstalled both EN10 and Legacy, then installed a pre-legacy of version of EN (6.24.2) and so far so good ... p and the elephant flock - curious what your alternative is as I'll probably be in the same boat when EN stops supporting older versions of its softwar In passing, the Chrome extension ReClipped is good for making notes on YouTube videos and can export these easily into Evernote. This does require a subscription but relatively modest at around $24/year
  14. Thanks for that - I have had both versions installed at once but I think there is something odd going on. Not only does EN10 always take the focus away from Legacy, but it also happens when I'm trying to work in the browser; it will jump back to EN10 all the time. Will try uninstalling both versions once again and using the release prior to Legacy. If that doesn't work then time to switch to something else. For me, it is not so much the features as the speed that is the major issue - EN10 is unbearably slow to work with (and I have a speedy laptop and internet connection).
  15. I also much prefer Legacy as it is so much faster than EN10 So I'm happily using Legacy but an occassional issue I have is that EN10 will repeatedly pop up and make usage of Legacy impossible This is despite unticking Check for Updates in Legacy and also uninstalling EN10. I guess it is being installed again in the background and its appearance is to try and push people onto the newer version Anyone have any suggestions on how to stop this unwanted EN10 behaviour? Very close to giving up on EN for something like Joplin (free and open source) or AmpleNotes as at least they are fast and usable still. Such a shame that EN has taken this new direction as it used to be the best
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