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Nigel Peach

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  1. Thanks both for the input, I've just tried 10.2.4 with full machine restart having deleted the App and no joy, interestingly, there's no evidence in the access log of the mac version connecting to evernote, there is for the web client but not for the mac. Also there's no error in the log file, just info logging. One interesting point regarding the main block above ( and I'm guessing here ) is that there's nothing listening on port 3003 on my mac as part of the BoronConfig ""dev":{"mainUrl":"http://localhost:3003" [2020-10-31 11:27:13.034] [info] boron:config Loading boronConfig from path: /Users/peacn/Library/Application Support/Evernote/config.json [2020-10-31 11:27:13.039] [info] boron:config Loading boron-config-template from path: /Applications/Evernote.app/Contents/Resources/static/boron-config-template.json [2020-10-31 11:27:13.041] [info] boron:config Using boronConfig: {"dev":{"mainUrl":"http://localhost:3003","isDebug":false,"isFleEnabled":true,"ceVersion":"","noteInNewWindowEnabled":null,"isColorThemeEnabled":null,"isOfflineSearchEnabled":null,"isNapLoginEnabled":null,"tracingEnabled":false,"checkForLocalNotebooks":null,"sentryEnabled":false},"general":{"defaultServiceHost":"https://www.evernote.com","forceUpdateOnStart":true,"loginWindowWidth":600,"loginWindowHeight":760,"NapLoginWindowWidth":764,"NapLoginWindowHeight":481,"googleWindowWidth":500,"googleWindowHeight":420,"eventLog":false,"historyViewLayout":"WEB","conduitLogLevel":50,"popupNoteWindowLimit":20,"isSentryEnabled":true},"qa":{"updateChannelOverride":"","updateCheckPeriodMs":86400000,"remindersEnabled":false,"multiSelectEnabled":null,"multiSelectionLimit":50,"accountSwitcherEnabled":null,"initialNotesToFetch":3000,"paginationEnabled":null,"attachmentEditingEnabled":null,"isMagicDownsyncEnabled":null,"siwgNapFallbackTimeoutMs":null,"isHomeEnabled":null,"isTasksEnabled":null,"maestroTestPluginEnabled":null,"overridingArmIds":null}} [2020-10-31 11:27:13.774] [info] boron:mainApplication Main app ready {"sender":{"_events":{},"_eventsCount":13,"commandLine":{}}} [2020-10-31 11:27:15.526] [info] electron:autoUpdater Evernote v10.2.4-1949 checking for updates on channel public [2020-10-31 11:27:15.528] [info] boron:mainApplication servicesConfig { GA: { apiKey: 'UA-285778-106', sandboxMode: false }, CEC: { host: 'https://cec.svc.evernote.com' }, featureFlags: { isBoardPluginEnabled: true, isOfflineSearchEnabled: true, isNSyncEnabled: false, isMonetizationServiceEnabled: true, isTaskPluginEnabled: true } } [2020-10-31 11:27:15.533] [info] electron:autoUpdater Evernote v10.2.4-1949 checking for updates on channel public [2020-10-31 11:27:15.548] [info] boron:mainApplication ----- Account Auth State ----- { authState: 'NoAuth' } [2020-10-31 11:27:16.212] [info] Checking for update [2020-10-31 11:27:16.716] [info] Update for version 10.2.4 is not available (latest version: 10.2.4, downgrade is disallowed). [2020-10-31 11:27:16.718] [info] electron:autoUpdater Next update check: 2020-11-01T11:27:16.717Z.
  2. Cadorin, many thanks for keeping this going, that's interesting to see that there's a foot print left on the trail on evernote on the web, I'll check mine. I too have restarted the mac after removing an only then re-installing, though I've not tried with appCleaner.
  3. Hi, I'm unable to start Evernote v 10.1.7 build 1902 on my MacBook Pro running Catalina (10.15. 7), I get the login dialog box but it never connects. Attached is the activity log file and screenshot of the login dialog. I should add that I'm able to use Evernote on the web and through the IOS app fine, it's just happening on my MacBook. I get the same issue having used my email address to sign on. Any help appreciated. Regards Evernote.log
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