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Everything posted by Piotas

  1. Evernote v10.5.7 still has maximum note selection limit of 50 items (so it results in no mass export of more than 50 notes in a notebook), no folder import automation, no tree tag editor with mass selection and drag-and-drop capability to mass-move tags, still no ability to disable hardcoded keybindings (I don't like AutoHotKey workaround, and it is considered a cheating software by serveral games I play - I don't want to get banned). Evernote v10 is still a downgrade compared to Evernote v6.25, I see no reason to chose v10 over v6.25. v10.5.7 is a step in a good direction compared to v10.0.0, but not compared with v6.25.
  2. Roam Research - słyszałem o nim wiele razy, to zupełnie inne zwierzę, z ogólnego opisu to dla mnie to hybryda hierarchicznego tree-pad'a z MindMap'ą (osobiście używam SimpleMind'a od kiedy FreeMind przestał być rozwijany); linki da się robić i w Evernote i w Joplin'ie; sam linkowałem mindmap'y w FreeMind dobrych piętnaście lat temu. Dzięki za sugestię, przyjrzę się bardziej Roam Research, widzę że jest drogo, ale mają 30-dniowy trial.
  3. Polecam ten wątek, tu jest bardzo obszerne porównanie alternatyw Evernote Notion zaciąga dane z Evernote ale to inna kategoria narzędzia, bardziej nastawiona na budowę WIKI niż notatek Nimbus zainstalowałem, potrafi zaciągnąć z Evenote, w zasadzie nie ma się do czego przyczepić poza drobiazgami typu brak możliwości wybrania formatu daty (tylko narzucone wynikającego z locale), ale to apka BARDZO porównywalna z NOWYM Evernote v10
  4. Joplin team is so fast, it takes hours to patch an issue, not weeks (like in case of Evernote); I use Joplin for new NOTES as well, but for HTML dumps (like grabbing current state of web page - my job consist of IT sales so I have to grab a lot of public tender pages etc) I still use Evernote, because I can dump there more MBs compared to Joplin.
  5. I am not claiming my money back because I use Evernote Legacy, till it syncs, I see no reason to ask for compensation/reimboursment. I really liked "old" Evernote app and service since I started using it in 2009 on PocketPC (Windows Mobile 5 and 6) and PC.
  6. I have no problem with Evenote using aggresive marketing strategy to gain new type of causal user, but I find it funny / not professional that they were advertising Evenote to Polish users in Polish after v10 premiere, while V10 is USELESS / NOT READY for Polish market due to conflict of hardcoded key bindings with default PL-PL keyboard. You may think twice before you start advertising a product that is useless for a certain market and ALL you can get is complaints and user frustration.
  7. Testy alfy/bety trwały 1,5 roku. Problem już wtedy był komunikowany Evenote. Problem skrótów klawiszowych w konflikcie do wielu standardowych klawiatur jest od oficjalnej premiery Evernote v10 na początku listopada 2020, czyli już trzeci miesiąc. Efektem używam Evernote Legacy, rozglądam się za alternatywą (na tę chwilę typem jest Joplin) i co parę tygodni odpalam na kilka minut Evernote v10 by znów stwierdzić że nie było warto. Evernote development v10 started 1,5 year ago, I am aware many people complained during beta but were ignored; this issue is persistent sinve V10 debuted in November 2020. I was happy with Evernote before V10 and didn't have any urge to move out, BEFORE crippling, slow and buggy v10 happened.
  8. Druga opcja to używanie Evernote Legacy, będzie szybciej oraz będą dostępne wszystkie te funkcje których nie ma w Evernote v10 a były w Evernote V6.x.
  9. In Joplin automatic attachement download is one thing, another is that it currently requires COMPLETE sync after new install or after moving your sync to different provider, and by COMPLETE I mean FULL sync, that after any interrupt restarts from very beginning. It may be unnoticeable for few notes, but with few thousands notes means you have to put your phone on charger, disable screen-off and wait a long time; the slower sync medium you choose - the longer. Dropbox is fast, but WebDAV or NextCloud may be pretty slow. Any interrupt of initial sync (like answering a phone call) mean the sync is restarted from 0. This ensures that there are no conflicts but takes A LOT of time.
  10. I just realized that I don't hate new Evernote; I am just a fan of older, better, fully-featured and fast Evernote. Older Evernote (now called Legacy Evernote) spoiled me to the point that all competitive offerings are, in some aspect, of note taking, INFERIOR to Legacy Evernote. Even Joplin I started to like so much doesn't have (yet) a reliable weblink to connect its notes from the world outside (for example: Google Contact links, external CRM solutions etc.) while Evernote delivers, with downside that new desktop app v10 is currently useless for me (due to conflict with default keyboard binding of PL-PL keyboard - I cannot type some letters without activating Evernote v10 actions like screenshot).
  11. There are other downsides: DevonThink is platform-locked: APPLE only, a complete showstopper for me as I do not use and do not intend do use Apple devices.
  12. I used ENEX files to import my current notes to Joplin. Only element missing is tree structure of tags, as Joplin currently uses flat tags approach, but - as opposed to Evernote - has tree structure of folders. Joplin is very good for text notes, not so useful if you dump many / big attachements info your workflow - BECAUSE current state of Joplin mobile app replicates ALL notes, there is not partial replication implemented (yet).
  13. Dumping ALL your notes into single ENEX file doesn't save your folder structure. If you import this one XML file, you will have a big pile of notes in one folder. Not useful backup option for me as I use about 20 folders to organize thousands of my notes.
  14. Moving from Evernote to Joplin required few changes in mindset. Due to OneDrive limitation with large files (related to method of choice of fast sync) I moved to Dropbox, as side effect I did second transition: having large media files in your note taking app is simply unpractical and no longer required, as I can link freely cloud-based large files and folders (I use 5 cloud-based file storages) to my Joplin notes via hyperlinks. Long meeting with audio notes and transcript? No longer have to put it into note taking app - linking a note to audio file on GoogleDrive (for long term archive) via hyperlink is much more convenient. And so on...
  15. v10 "upgrade" that is completely unusable for several non-English users (myself included), due to conflict between hard-coded shortcuts of Alt-Grey mapping with several default keyboard mapping for Polish, Latvian, Turkish, English-International etc. PS. I still use Evernote Legacy in parallel with Joplin+Dropbox, but continue to clean-up old notes and be ready to move-out. New notes in Joplin. I had to rethink my approach to tags (because Joplin currently uses FLAT tags due to performance issues) but after 9 years of collecting data in Evernote a refresh in approach is necessary.
  16. Evernote v10 has no OPTIONS working, dev teams since November says it will be back later, I recommend to use Evernote Legacy instead. If you can always manually add Evernote to your windows autostart group if it is what you want.
  17. I do not recommend anyone using v10, you can everything you want with Evernote Legacy and I see no reason to use v10 - no features added, several features removed, not to mention performance downgrade and bugs related to hardcoded keyboard shordcuts that collide with several non-US keyboard layouts.
  18. another update, bug still not solved Evernote dev team gives clear message to non-US users: we do not care about you.
  19. I already answered your question. My company forces me to use centrally-managed Vmware image with Outlook 2016 to use corporate emails. If I would use OneNote for taking notes, it would stay inside virtual machine, I would have to copy it manually to destination because they blocked OneNote from using replacated or OneDrive folders for saving files. I use Office 365 on host to do most of the job, then use Teams to replicate files to virtual machine - because admins blocked any normal communication between host and vmachine and using OneDrive to share files between host and virtual machine is simplest working option. In my previous company I used OneNote 2016 because I could benefit from OneNote-Outlook integration, this is no longer the case. I use Joplin on host because it is faster, easier and my notes are not hostage inside virtual machine.
  20. I used OneNote in the past, in my previous job for tasks you described due to integration with Outlook tied to calendar and contacts. I used OneNote 2013 (2012-2015). It was OK for limited number of notes for a few projects, but isn't suitable for note-everything-of-importance approach due to limited tree structure. OneNote is more "electronic" paper than text-note-taking app and it has some limitation of page-centric approach. In my current job I am forced to use my employer's managed PC or Vmware virtual machine (as I am BYOD user), I no longer can benefit from OneNote-connects-to-all, I actually use Teams to sync data between host and VM (because admins blocked all "normal" methods of file transwer and firewall VM connects via VPN blocks most traffic). As result, currently I use Evernote and Joplin in combo - Evernote mostly for junk website grab and email forwarding, joplin for note taking). I still use Evernote because I don't want to clutter Joplin with low-importance web-dumps, only important text notes. I even use Evernote weblinks with Joplin, Google Contacts and my CRM to link to text content. This is result of limitation of Joplin android app (you have to replicate all notes on your device, you cannot do it partially); also currently there is no file handler to mimic Evernote web links, so in cannot automate Joplin usage cross-app.
  21. I have similar struggle, I am tied into Microsoft ecosystem of Teams/Office. I use Joplin purely for notetaking related to calls, meetings and daily activity, while the rest (emails, contacts, tasks) are in separate workflows. Still, IMHO using a OneDrive folder structure with documents is easier than embedding them in legacy Evernote notes - there is no real benefit of putting your files INTO the notes.
  22. If I pin an app to run in background, it will stay. I am referring to standard app behavior of vanilla Android 10 of ColorOS. I see no reason to force run resource hog to run in the background.
  23. let me comment on some advertising I got last month from Evernote
  24. When it is already running on Android phone, it wakes up within 3s as well. But after rebooting your phone or NOT using evernote for few hours, it starts in 12s on One+Nord (AC2003) with 12gigs of RAM and this year's new Qualcom 765G (8-core) - see attached video. Last time I used evernote on this device yesterday. I just deleted screengrab I did because it contains senstivie data, but I measured - 10s to warm start. 14s to be able to enter note or search. 3x longer than joplin with similar number of notes (ported from Evernote!).
  25. You are still taking about features of Evernote v6. All features you've mentioned are present and works much better in "legacy" Evernote.
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