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Everything posted by g2mXagent

  1. I'd rather turn off sync and block Evernote in the firewall.
  2. How? The Legacy version is good. Some notes I will choose to sync to the cloud. Such as math class notes, and some software uses experience. This way I can read the notes elsewhere. I will store some notes locally, such as diaries and financial tables. I don't want to share this information, I want to make sure that only me can read these notebooks. In the new version, I had to choose between syncing everything, or nothing. Too hard to decide.
  3. No information uploaded to the server can guarantee your privacy, regardless of the company's claims. So I recommend you to use Evernote Legacy, which has an option to save data only on your computer. Not sure why the new version of Evernote removed this feature. Maybe this company needs to snoop on your privacy (for AI training?).
  4. Windows10 Pro x64 evernote Why is my version stuck at 6.25 and cannot be updated? I see the latest version is already 10.xx!
  5. 共產黨為了監視每個人,所有網絡服務都被要求把服務器放在大陸,不服就用防火墻擋你。為此 evernote 專門做了個 “中國版” 叫 “印象筆記”,官網就是 yinxiang.com 。估計是共產黨繼續給 evernote 施壓,要求把台灣中華民國歸入共產中國,所以 evernote 發現你的地理位置後才會默認與 yinxiang.com 連接。你登錄時一定要選 “國際版賬號”。另外還要小心網頁剪輯插件,他也會默認連接 yinxiang.com ,我改了好多次都被他自動改迴去。
  6. 感覺在這裡請求沒什麽用,還是要到英文論壇
  7. when switch to VPN, "evernote" cannot sync or log out, it freeze. windows7 sp1 x64 evernote 6.6.4
  8. How can I quickly find the largest note? Maybe a note has too many pictures, and I want to delete it.
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