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Everything posted by ewertongeneroso

  1. Wow, what a thing ... Anyway, thank you very much for clarifying. : D
  2. I was able to delete some notes that had been shared with me. But at the moment I can't delete a notebook shared with me and already deleted by the creator. I am informed that I cannot open the notebook. Can you help me? Thanks.
  3. Thanks. I spoke to him. It looks like you already deleted those notes. I'm trying differently. It looks like their location is "Work Chat" ...
  4. Olá. Sou novo no fórum. Peço desculpas antecipadas caso não seja o mural correto. Há tempos meu amigo havia criado e compartilhado comigo algumas notas. Acontece que já tentei de várias formas excluir tais notas, mas simplesmente não consigo. Podem me ajudar?
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