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Posts posted by Ken

  1. It's fabulous that the iOS app retains the last viewed position in a note which was viewed or edited after switching to a new note and then switching back. I'm not sure if this is new. Both notes seem to retain the position when switching between them. This is very useful functionality for developing research content.

    However it's disappointing that this memory is lost for both notes when switching to a third note.

    The ideal behaviour would be for this memory to be persistent - allowing research to be developed over days, weeks, months - always returning to "where you were last" rather than the distraction of remembering and then manually searching for that location. 

    Returning to the top of the page of any note is an easy one tap at the top of the screen, finding the last viewed position taxes the brain and memory.

    I'm living in hope that we can eventually be offered get this functionality as an option 😀

  2. Searching a note with "Find in note" seems to highlight the word searched as expected. When selecting the ">" sign at the top of the screen moves through successive occurrences of the word with a blue highlight, again as expected. However in some notes it does not move the move the screen view to the new highlight, leaving it on the initial view and requiring manual moving of the note to look for the new highlight. In some notes it moves the screen view and in others it doesn't.

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